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Everything posted by bolc

  1. by priority international letter within EU, if < 100g, it is 2.2 euros shipment, otherwise 5.5 eur if > 100g (need to weigh 2 stcks + padded enveloppe, etc with a package, it hurts at 12+ eur, which I would not recommend PM sent
  2. well, are the few prices given to warp9 and overclock.net supposed to be enough...? are you gonna give bonus points to the team? for individual competition, there is a price + points, why should this be different? yeah, I know, spoiled brats... in any case, this teamcup surely emulates members and/to attracts some new folks, this is at least what I/we try to do in my team. but yeay, a little reward does not hurt either...
  3. 4 SC, 6 stages, multiple players per stage...
  4. Hi to all, In the TEAM CUP, is there any way to know your personal ranking for each SC ? Cheers ++
  5. got it, thanks and thanks for your diligence ++
  6. Thanks for the update. I will keep them posted with the "right" way to do ; a system that sorts out and validate the best score per teamate would be "smart", no matter if several scores are linked to the same stage? scores can only be deleted on hwbot, not on oc-esports ? if ay, tomorrow I decide to score ddr4 instead of my ddr3, but want to keep my ddr3 score on hwbot...
  7. Hello, We are having issues submitting to OC-ESPORTS for the TEAM CUP, in particular to the DDR test OC eSports) A teamate submitted Speedy22`s Memory Frequency score: 225.3 MHz with a DDR SD-RAM which is linked to OC-ESPORTS but does not appear on OC-ESPORTS website. Why .... ? I think another issue is that there exists several teams called with a similar name, and OC-SPORTS has mislinked our team My team is Hardware.fr [HFR] Hardware.fr [HFR] @ HWBOT There is a Brazilian team Hardware but with this link very close to ours Hardware @ HWBOT for some reason the link is hardware.fr ... can't it be changed? For some reason, HWBOT has linked our team name with the Brazilian team. For instance, if you go to this OC-ESPORTS link and click on our hardware.fr teamlink, it goes to the Brazilian team webpage on HWBOT, which is named Hardware.fr [hfr] (small letters HFR) OC eSports) but we are named Hardware.fr [HFR] (capital letters HFR) Can you solve this please? Thank you very much. bolc
  8. often cpu-z reports the Vid, not the actual voltage this chip has a Vid of 1.25 V actual bios input voltage was about 1.65 V, from the top of my head
  9. as far as I read... HWBOT Intel XTU Benchmark Validation Regulations why not asking them too... ? (a very short list... really not exhaustive) Xtreme Addict`s XTU score: 1190 marks with a Core i7 4790 ProKoN`s XTU score: 1152 marks with a Core i7 4790 atisoc0936`s XTU score: 1149 marks with a Core i7 4790
  10. ask them too... http://hwbot.org/submission/2973229_xtreme_addict_xtu_core_i7_4790_1190_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/3392284_prokon_xtu_core_i7_4790_1152_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2825083_atisoc0936_xtu_core_i7_4790_1149_marks
  11. http://hwbot.org/news/8638_application_39_rules/ ...
  12. Ranking is done, great waiting for points on hwbot now.... ("the old points" are still active)
  13. Hi Folks, Double message, to be deleted
  14. can't be that complicated, but the staff must be way too busy and/or way too outnumbered... keep it up guys make the Rock Boat (or Make the Boat Rock, if you prefer )
  15. Hi ObscureParadox, So you are basically saying the ram won't go higher in frequency (or the chipset won't allow it) if the latencies are too high? If so, that's very good to know May I ask if upping tRD=perf level helped ? Cheers Ps: I'm not using X48 but EP45T, that should be similar I guess
  16. Hello, I am surprised to find some XTU scores where the max turbo coefficient for Haswell (e.g. 4670 minicoopers`s XTU score: 1055 marks with a Core i5 4670) seems to be the value which is normally only achieved with 1 core. I think this is just a diaplay "bug" from cpu-z not showing the number of active cores, hence x 38 is displayed with 4c/4t while only 1 core is active ; I suppose C3 mode is activated in the bios? Similarly, XTU shows 4.15 Ghz max frequency, corresponding to 38 x bclk, but only when 1 core is active as it says this time. When the XTU benchmark runs on 4 cores, the coefficient drops to x36 hence the frequency only equals 36 x bclk = 3.935 Ghz ...? If someone can confirm, I 'd be happy. Also, is there any gain to run with C3 activated? I tried long ago but never noticed any gain, but maybe things have changed. Or if there is a way to unlock the max turbo for 4 cores to the value obtained with 1 core, please share Thanks. Cheers
  17. we agree this needs to be corrected. ideally the way of calculating should be posted. making an average of the ranking for the 0 points benchers seems odd. I think each 0 points benchers should be given points for each stage, based on their ranked scores, the points should then be summed, and that would do the ranking. something like in any other competition, starting at 50 points down to to 1 point
  18. I appreciate. And thanks for being responsive to make this community healthy and happy all the best
  19. I think the rankings after #10 are incorrect. for instance #10 has barely submiited or high scores ad is in front of others. this seems like nothing but it gives some points on hwbot. can you look at this...?
  20. Thanks for the clarification (= an average on the 4 individual ranking). What happens now if some folks have submitted to less than 4 stages....? say 2 stages... ++
  21. Thanks but I m loaded
  22. Hello everybody, For those like me not making a single point at this competition, I score a total of 0 point. There exists, however, a magic ranking listing folks with 0 points, from #10 onwards. I can't figure out why I rank #24 since all my scores are higher than some of folks listed between #10 and me. For instance, #17 Could you share your magic ranking procedure for this cup....? Thank you.
  23. terrific ! extreme ! if you have batch number / Vid, would you share it? thanks
  24. decent pricing, for a change on hwbot
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