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Everything posted by bolc

  1. Very decent prices Have you benched the Hyper? 1800 (or more) 666-18 and 2300 888-24 at which voltages ?
  2. tease me which timings and voltages?
  3. what kind of crazy psc did you get, and ho much? ++
  4. I've seen your X265 scores on celeron G4xx, very nice I am coming with a G465 on M5G or M5F, whichever is best for bclk. Nice ram you have in 2300 6-10-6 ! And nice cpu holding 2133 ram multiplier! Between the 1080p and 4K you switched ram coeff from 1866 to 2133, with same timings. Is 4K too demanding ? Will see if i go hypers at 2000ish 7-7-7, or psc at 2300 7-10-7 Hope to come not too far for global
  5. my USB key with WIn8.1 32bits is also ready... a SS -40C is nice to have against my delidded ivys or untouched sandy (2500k coming!) + AIO 240 setup... ! which Sandy will you torture? I am curious to find out which ram multiplier is best for sandy ++
  6. all the good stuff regarding ME firmware and IME is here: Forum - Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware & System Tools I have flashed all my ME firmwares now... I suggest you flash your firmaware (under DOS, using FTK7 tool https://github.com/LongSoft/FTK/releases/download/0.11.1/FTK7_0.11.1.zip and the latest formware available on win-raid.com for consumer 1.5 Mb for the 6-series chipset, rev 7.1.x = Intel ME Firmware v7.1.80.1214 (1.5MB)) then install the latest IME driver (Intel MEI Driver Installer v11.7.0.1037)
  7. non-K IVY do work, no pb and I guess Haswell as-well ! so my bet is Skylake / Kaby non K should !
  8. till Nov 1, nothing excludes you from benching with 5.2.x on whatever OS you want ; in fact you could bench on on your actual Win7. first oyu need to remove XTU, install KB3033929, then install as of Nov 1. will be mandatory. you can keep benching on Win7 after installing KB3033929, or move to Win8.1, Win10. If you plan to cotinue benching XTU later, moving now to 8.1 32 bits might be the best choice Ps: I am no moderator but I think I understood the rules right
  9. Yes, thanks to Ev0lv3 ! KB3033929 solves it all ! The other method also works (going to Test Mode + manually verify the iocbios2.sys driver) Now is time to solve a corrupted ME firmware on a M5G
  10. KB3033929 solves the issue as well ! To be installed prior to XTU software, and done ! Thanks Man ++
  11. I missed your post, thanks I will try and post here (although I may eventually do a 8.1 32 bits installation...)
  12. Results are comparable, I benched quickly 3770k at 3.9 and obtained 810ish with basic ram 8-11-8-28-1T. And obtained around 930 (from the top of my head) at 4.5 with slighlty tightened ram timings The only thing Test Mode does is to allow digital drivers not signed by M$... https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2509241/how-to-disable-the-test-mode-message-that-is-displayed-in-windows
  13. Question to the moderators: Am I allowed to bench on Win7 64 bits in TEST MODE (in the bottom right of the screen ,TEst Mode Windows 7 with the version is written) so the IOCBIOS2.SYS driver required for XTU 6.1.x, 6.2.x, 6.3.x and 6.4.x is digitally verified ?? Thank you
  14. ok so I found one solution: Boot Windows 7 64bits into Test Mode and enforce unsigned iocbios2.sys to appear as signed / verified https://superuser.com/questions/1233615/how-to-force-windows-7-to-disable-driver-signature-enforcement the tool is available here Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider Download does the job nicely to enable the TEST mode, and to indicate which driver to digitally verify ! you can also manually do it with the bcdedit.exe command + manually press F8 at each boot... https://support.hidemyass.com/hc/en-us/articles/202723596-How-to-disable-Driver-Signing-check-on-Windows Making a W7 32 bits installation may also solve this... And W8.1 32 or W10 32 bits seem to work
  15. XTU not recognizing the cpu all boils down to the digitally signed driver...!!! Pressing F8 at startup, you can disable it and install XTU. Now the cpu is recognizzed on thre latest version of windows. I need to do the digitally aigned driver permanently now ...!
  16. Making a win10 install solely for xtu when most other benches are on win7.... Xtu running on all cpu generations on windows 7 needs to be fixed, at least i will strive for that on my pc.
  17. Thanks mate :-) Curious to see if i screwed up on win7 or if other users have the same issues...
  18. Win7 support will end 2020. Xp is still used here as well as vista and 7. I tried win10 pro 32 and got worse scores on xtu than on w7. Plus i find the GUI ugly and the os is heavy. In companies everybody is on 7... The issue is to fibd out if the new newer xtu version will force to be on win10 or not... From what i see, sandy stops at xtu 5.2 x, ivy at 6.0.x when on win7
  19. watchdog says present but not present at boot https://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=554362xtubug.png for IME, when I install XTU, the IME driver version does not change. I installed manually ver 9.x, it stayed the same. I went to 11.05, stayed there I also get this driver signature message at the end of XTU installation ME firmware revision is 8.1.x in the bios, I had updated it
  20. Does the version of Intel Management Engine (IME) to do anything with XTU ? is installed Intel watchdog, what is that, is required ?
  21. Thanks for the screenshots. I bet users with Windows 7 (and perhaps windows 8.x) will have issues... latest ver 6.1.x not working on M5F + 3570 so far only latest 5.2.x and 6.0.x working on M5F + 3570 + Win7 Pro 64 bits
  22. My impression is that haswell prefers 2600+ cas8 than 2800+-3000+ cas9 ?
  23. This is what I was getting yesterday on The cpu was not recognised, and as could be expected, the bench would not start. 3570 on M5F. With 6.2.x and 6.3.x same issue. 5.2.x and 6.0.x ok, 6.1.x I suppose is ok, will try tonight. https://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=554362xtubug.png https://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=424283xtubug2.png You are both on Windows 10 ? PS: all drivers put for the board, IME / cpu. PS2: tried at stock or with a different bclk, same story
  24. Hello, Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't XTU only compatible with the last 3 generations of Intel cpus ? That is : 6.4.x supports Coffee, Kaby and Skylake 6.3.x supports Kaby, Skylake and Broadwell 6.2.x supports Skylake, Broadwell and Haswell 6.1.x supports Broadwell, Haswell and Ivy Bridge 5.2.x supports Haswell, Ivy Bridge and Sandy Bridge? (older versions of XTU are not allowed for posting scores) Will the upcoming mandatory use of (Upcoming Rule Changes on November 1, 2017) is also limit benching on cpus compatible with Z170/270/370 chipsets? If so, any prospects to make 6.4.x backward compatible with anything from Gen2 onwards? Cheers
  25. Hello, Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't XTU only compatible with the last 3 generations of Intel cpus ? Hence 6.4.x supported Coffee, Kaby and Skylake 6.3.x supports Kaby, Skylake and Broadwell 6.2.x supports Skylake, Broadwell and Haswell 6.1.x supports Broadwell, Haswell and Ivy Bridge 5.2.x supports Haswell, Ivy Bridge and Sandy Bridge? (older are not alloed for posting scores) If so, is the mandatory use of (Upcoming Rule Changes on November 1, 2017) is also to limit benching on cpus compatible with Z170/270/370 chipsets? Any propsects to make 6.4.x backward compatible with anything from Gen2 onwards? Cheers
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