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Everything posted by bolc

  1. jesh, moving to online submission and the server is down....
  2. I tried on my mainrig, that works and brings you to edit and select core number... will try later on the x2 555 when i will rebench it..! Thanks, this way I may get "rid" of the x2/x3 bench by today, and go back to my haswells
  3. damn** I found out that if you select "skip cpu detection" in gpu pi, you can type in whatever you want during the first selection...! trying on a X3 445 submission which I saved with, and without cpu detection... and that works without flagging cpu detection....! have to check if the same holds in x265 benchmark, to skip cpu detection no such option in x265.... so, I can rebench x2 555 as x3 for gpupi but NOT for x265... submission is so silly ... and you feel inexperienced/powerless in front of unknown bugs
  4. I will wait patiently, if needed to send the validation files in private, no pb. or to resubmit if the submission editing period gets over. Cheers
  5. big joke: i can edit to x4, it is applied right away... but I cannot select x3 cores what the h*** EDIt: I moved all my scores to X4 so folks with X2 scores won t be "injured" but no way to move to X3 for some reasons...
  6. just tried to edit and went into the white screen Apache Tomcat/7.0.59 - Error report moderators will have to manually modify submissions I am afraid I am taking rank#1 for x2 scores while using 3 cores... I am probably being reported by the previous owner of the rank #1 x2 score right now
  7. for x265 and gpupi scores, I have no options to select the cpu type and number of cores after the file upload. it does all automatically and "grey out" the fields, which cannot be changed hence I can only change that by editing the submission... which currently leads nowhere
  8. I appreciate. Let me.know about the outcome. Many benchers before me could submit x2 555 unlocked to x3 score for gpupi and x265. I wonder how they succeeded...?
  9. others were posted in the wrong sections and were locked / deleted Yes the idea is to make global points for x3 so I posted 3 times
  10. Hi, I submitted gpupi scores and x265 scores for a x2 555 unlocked to x3 cpu bolc`s GPUPI for CPU - 1B score: 26min 39sec 569ms with a Phenom II X2 555 BE bolc`s GPUPI for CPU - 100M score: 1min 59sec 485ms with a Phenom II X2 555 BE bolc`s HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 1080p score: 3.33 fps with a Phenom II X2 555 BE bolc`s HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k score: 0.86 fps with a Phenom II X2 555 BE I was expecting the system would not recognize it as x3. to correct for this, whenever I try to EDIT + select 3 cores instead of 2 in the unlock section, the submission gets stuck at the following webpage, and does not modify the data : Apache Tomcat/7.0.59 - Error report for manual submissions of other bench libe cbr, gb3, etc, I can select from the start "unlocked to 3 cores", and get a valid X3 core submission: http://hwbot.org/submission/3694649_ however, for x265 and gpupi which deliver datafiles, I get stuck with 2 cores instead of 3 from the start and editing later on crashes... is this momentarily crashing because of server issues? or is a bug / should apply a workaround ? Thank you in advance
  11. u ve tried a different cpu or ram stick, who knows... beeper may help, if it beeps
  12. you've changed cmos battery and clrcmos I suppose? any characteristic beeps given?
  13. Thanks for the tip, although I could not find any g470 on fleabay on ebay they have some form china, others form the usa with customs fees ++
  14. M5G just sold for 120 by websmile with a mosfet WB 2400c10 or 2600c11 2x4 gb, well you see all sorts of prices... untested like this, I would not pout more than 100 eurs in 4x4gb... I got 3 kits of tridentx 2400c9 2600c10 and 2600c10 for 120... (ok I made three great deals ) cpus is sweet, a XTU or geekbench3 run would tell more, but surely it can hold a lot. I'd say a regular 3770k is 150 eur, a roxxor 180-200 eur
  15. That solves my pb
  16. Hi, Is the socket in mint condition? Comes bare naked ? How much would be shipping to France? Cheers
  17. I also get Switch OFF on XTU crash, which I didn't have before. No toher bench software does this. Good to see that 6.0.x (and others) and 6.4.x bench the same scores. In my case, 7 64 = 8.1 32 in terms of score, probably but not sure yet because I minimise the services opened. will test once more on Haswells, and my latest 4790k doing 5 @ ~ 1.27 V
  18. G470 is better but much harder (and expensive to find) Your advise on VCCIO was excellent, thanks helped a lot to do 107+. I have not played with bclk skews. They are given form -19 .. 0 .. 19 I believe. Any tips were to start? I also try to boot with bclk as high and close as possible than the target. so 106+, with ram almost all set to best values, and fine tuned few timings before starting., Sopmething else I noticed, trying to go to high bclk straight will bsod crash, but going +0.2, then bneching, then +0.2 then benching, helps to go higher. on G465, that takes a long time but eventually I could make 0.59 fps on 4K like others, and a decent 2.31 on 1080p. Too much Vcore is useless too, actually counterproductive even, given the cpu runs at low frequency and never exceeds 40C on a small AIO 120mm. I need to improve my scores of a G4160 now, not the best x2 cpu but fairly decent. Cpu is delidded/relidded, waiting top go on my new M7I But I guess the most fun will be the next sempron 145 and AMD x2 -> x3, and x3 ...
  19. Importing from older versions may be forbidden, that is fine. I d expect that importing from the same version would be allowed....? It was nice to have the full listing in one place
  20. Hi Folks, I am looking for one chip of each. Shipping to France ++
  21. Hi, Yep, I saved and exported. With 5.2.x and 6.0 I could see saved scores, and actually 6.0.x would give those obtained on 5.2.x. If I try to manually import a score on from a submission made on (and from older version), it complains and does nothing.
  22. Hi, After saving then exporting a result, the result is not present anymore after a reboot. It used to be with prior versions. what am I missing? Best
  23. I will read carefully Interesting about eh bclk skews. Familiar with P45 cpu and mch skews, but not on newer chipset, will have to dwelve into that to get higher bclk. Ram ratio and bclk go opposite: lower ram multi = higher bclk, and lower timings, so a trade off to find. I have done my 8.1 32 install, benching i3 4160 on XTU... will see if I can beat my previous score. On 7 64 I got stuck at the same values using cas7 instead although having a higher bclk...! hope I can take a few more xtu points EDIT: baseline score identical between 7 6 and 8.1 32
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