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Everything posted by bolc

  1. Sorry, only an enthusiast here... I know, bosd dump file analyses can tell you this or that. and sure, comparing with others helps, but in the end if you know the limits of your hardware on your board and coolig, and of your ram, there is little use in comparing on hwbot, as enthusiast, if you want to make points, you have XTU for modern cpus, you had hwbot prime and x265, and gpupi can also give good suprises, and for old cpus, max frequency, spi, and wprim. the rest is out of reach past 5.3+ Ghz given you will face DI, SS and LN2 clockers. in my mind, there could/should even be different championships (one per league), with max scores of 50pts for each bench and for each league, as is done in any type of championship except world cups...
  2. why? because when I opened the archive expecting a .exe, I found a .jar file (WTF is that. can t you make a .exe guys....?). I am from a school thinking that benchmarking should rely on HARDWARE only, and tweak OS should be plainly forbidden, including all forms of registry/mods to boost superPI for instance etc. I think HWBOT should release full OS to load on USB sticks to boot to benchmark, no modification allowed whatsoever so everybody goes by the same book ! Anyways... I could not load it given I had no java installed and never use .jar files... so I found I had to install java and put 32 bits first. then 64 bits on the advise of someone else. the .jar icon did not change so I did not think of double clicking... so I searched the web and found this way to start a .jar file via the command line (cmd.exe) : java -jar <jar-file-name>.jar. lastly I made a shortcut to open the .jar. the command starts the java console, then I push the quick benchmark button.
  3. What tells you that there is a way to know if your hwbot prime score is 100-200pps higher than it should be? Ram settings, OS tweaks, etc, can cover it all, plus who is inspecting/comparing to say this score seems out of range. Whn I submit 10-15 scores on a cpu, I don 't check where it fits next to the others, I look at the score and move on...
  4. I edited my message after I initially posted. I didn't mean that someone needs to exploit bugs by looking into the code or finding ways to make the software behave out-of-norm. What if the software has bugs and displays, in certains combinations of hardware/software, scores which are invalid=unreal, what can we do about it ...? Otherwise, you mean HWBOT PRIME is End-Of-Life .... ? Damn, I thought I saved the file for G3258, but I guess I did not want to be faced with temptation, I can't find it.... Will look on the bench station harddrive tonight.
  5. I do see glitches with the Java 9 64bits (but that could happen with other versions, I use that one snce I was told this is the best one...), no need to apply any cheat, I have seen the system halting / freezes, then it goes on again and display a pathetically high score. 0, absolutely 0 human interaction, not even touching the mouse ! And frankly, I don t always keep my eyes on the software. Often, after I start the bench, I switch the display input to get to my pc to submit prior scores, then come back to the bench station. This way I get some good or bad "suprise effect" when I see the new score, and sometimes when you are at the o/c edge of the system, you don't want to see the system BSOD crash... In my book, this glitch may be called relatively POOR programming by those releasing bench software : obviously, an overclocked system could destabilize basic windows service like the clock, or whatever is ued to time the benchmark? (I have 0 programming skills) If someone gets banned because of someone else not being capable to code PROPERLY (meaning the counting procedure is not hardware-bug 100% proof), should the coder be left in peace....? IMO, this makes no sense. One may follow the rules and apply a bugged score, knowing or not whether the score is real. Yet, he did not do anything against the written rules... So what to do? Remove all scores...? Or remove only bugged scores? But yeay, shouldn't there be some validation tool like superPI to make sure the score is realistic / not glitched ? Removing glitched scores a posteriori, is condemning a lot of folks who submitted their best files while perhaps having a slightly lower one, not glitched but not knowing that, and currently not able to rebsubmit or rebench. Unfair in my book. PS: if a developper wants what to retrive what I know is a "bugged" file for a HWBOT PRIME score of G3258, score which would have broken the World Record !!! I can post it for their examination. I did not submit the file in HWBOT for obvious reasons...
  6. Hi, do you plan to have any pricing/listing of ddr2 ram coming up? thanks. cheers
  7. bolc

    DDR2 8500+ Wanted

    hi, i have some crucial tracer doing memtest86+ error free, ~ 1250 Mhz at 555-15 2.0 V (and ~1400 at 666-18 2.1V) max frequency is achieved on strap 400 multi x3.33d on my UD3P boards. with strap 333, coeff 2.4 or 3.2, that is not possible however, they top out at ~1150 Mhz 555-15 2.0 V I have 1 crucial ballistix tracer kit I am ready to sell, 2 x 1 Gb. how many gigs are you looking for? which board do you use?
  8. bolc


    Hi all, I am looking for a kit of ddr3 sticks, models can be G.Skill PI, Kingston HyperX, or anything passing memtest86+ at 2400 Mhz @ 8-10-8 with moderate voltage (< 1.75 V) ; 2200 7-9-7 or 7-10-7 is also fine. it can be 2x1, 3x1, 2x2, 3x2 Gb. Ideally with box and matching serial numbers. Thanks
  9. it looked like glued but I opened it, and pasted conductonaut + reglued with silicone. looks like new. to be tested during the summer ++
  10. Hi Friend I received the chips, thanks. For #6 3907A233 535/440 FSB Delidded, I see you relidded with silicone, perfect. Which thermal paste did you put inside? (to know if it is worth putting another one) Thanks ++
  11. Hi TAGG That would be my list #6 3907A233 535/440 FSB Delidded 5€ + Shipping #9 3913A846 535/440 FSB 5€ + Shipping #10 3913A846 540/435 FSB 5€ + Shipping For #6 which is delidded, did you relid it with some thermal paste + black silicone, or the ihs is unglued? (I will relid it with conductonaut I think )
  12. Hello TAGG, Would you reserve these 2 for me, the time I ask friend sabout which they may want? ++ #6 3907A233 535/440 FSB Delidded 5€ + Shipping #9 3913A846 535/440 FSB 5€ + Shipping
  13. Hi, Your Vid and cpu is bad I got my score of 546 on an AIO with poor cooling, and on my not-so-good UD3P... I will have to get my best board ans big WC to get my record back
  14. Thanks. Good to know (although I always go for max multiplier... but sometimes 0.5 lower gives higher fsb, and sometimes higher frequency)
  15. out of curiosity, what did you miss ?
  16. thanks Dude. In fact my message settings were wrong.... now updated and rollin' ++
  17. ok thanks in that case I will stick to 3x E8400s (will let you know If I prefer #7 or that with 1.65 V) + 1 E4500 will try to send a PM EDIT: don 't find the link to send a PM either...
  18. hi, did you make a typo mistake on E8400 #6 with 1.65 instead of 1.75 V ? i am interested by #4 Q018D016 1,725V 5,434GHz 5€ + Shipping #5 Q842A355 1,725V 5,419GHz 5€ + Shipping #6 Q842A649 1,65V 5,419GHz 5€ + Shipping for max fsb tests, were those obtained with the lowest multiplier? #4 L736B360 465 FSB 5€ + Shipping #2 3907A286 505 FSB 5€ + Shipping Shipping to France Cheers
  19. j ai du sata sur la config sur AIO mais en supposant que l ide serait plus stable, comme le ps2 vs usb, j'ai minimisé les contraintes...
  20. Hi. would you remember the brand/model of your chipset and mosfet waterblocks for this board? Thanks Cheers ++
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