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Everything posted by skulstation

  1. i don't wont to sandbag or be a dick. but ar the xeon now alowed or not? if its alowed now i whil do a rerun whit my xeon x5690 sorry Germany ( QAI ) the xeon x5650 is not a gulftown core but a westmere-ep. the database use wrong core name btw nice score QAI for your xeon x5650
  2. some new toys bjorn? go for the other gold cups if possibel plz update the pics of the rig whit the singel stage. jk
  3. use reatltemp or coretemp for the cpu,and for the gpu use the sensor tab in gpu-z.
  4. The xeon version for socket 1150 ar Haswell.So they ar allowed to use. The xeon version for socket 2011 ar Ivy Bridge-EP and Sandy Bridge-EP.so they ar not allowed to use. the xeon version for socket 1366 ar Gainestown , Westmere-EP , Bloomfield .so they ar not allowed to use. But in the socket 1366 ar gulftown xeons, like W3670 , W3680 ,W3690 and thay ar allowed to use. btw i am in the same boat whit my x5690
  5. as soon as you use extreme cooling , you wil move to extreme devision.
  6. Congrats to the winners of the lucky draw: Moonman , Fatboynotsoslim, Etoile , Fanta1ty , Noliso Have fun whit your new bords And congrats whit the 400$ to : Christian Ney , MarineOC , I.nfraR.ed , Gumanoid , Fgi thx gigabyte for this contest.
  7. i guess whe have a winner. you lucky man
  8. No email or PM from gigabyte in my inbox. so i guess,no luck for my. good luck to all
  9. I think they ar talking intern if it is possibel to alow the scores whit littel mistakes. @ leeghoofd,now i see the purpel strip. nede to adjust the angle of my monitor.sorry to jump whit my conclusion.
  10. your cat 720 , hwbot prime and xtu subissions don't have the coret background or the esential part of the backgrount is hided ,same mistake like leeghoofd
  11. the mistake of leeghoofs is a good sampel why i gave hint for other colerbackgound and not a other fonds coler post#38. his shortcut of the background is showen in the screen. but rueles ar ther to folow and it happens thad ther ar some mistakes. sorry for all whit littel mistakes
  12. ar this all the users who is in for the lucky draw ? what happend whit leeghoofd and the oter thad have 5 submissions? good luck to all
  13. thx gigabyte for this contest.congrats to all the winners. dam submitted at 7:00 Belgium time and whit the countdown at 2 hours,but it was to fast acording the site.so needed second submition and i am 7th
  14. sorry but,i think this score is bugget.no way a cpu @ 4,5Ghz can beat a +6.3Ghz cpu
  15. yes the card works on stock air cooleer.but i don't know the exact temp on this run,but no way it was ~80-85c°
  16. i gone re try it whit the gts 250 but now whit the 344.11 and not the 340.52 drivers. its working on a 560 ti 448 whit the 344.11 drivers
  17. i know its beta. my gts 250 and Radeon HD 7650M not detected
  18. Don't give up. I was thinking to give up for today and this happend Now hoping thad if ther ar other whit the 1938 score.thad my internet conetion speed is good.For me its just for fun
  19. what is this thing whit stage 5? PCMark for Android but Only use AMD processors. Only use AMD videocards. what android divice use amd as gpu and cpu?
  20. bingo i just naild it good luck to the rest
  21. what gpu ar you using?i use a gts 250
  22. idd the difference in each run is big.same settings give me runs of +2k , 1.9k and 1.8k. edit: just dropet from 1946 to 1866
  23. for the moment 1939 above target and 193x below target.stil working on it
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