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Everything posted by skulstation

  1. I do'nt know what the problem is.i forced a recal off al my submissions. I think ist some bug in the data base? PJ or sombady els from the crew plz look at it
  2. yes we did it, 3 working 3870x2 now the search after suported dual gpu's can start.
  3. As know the 3870x2 wil not work,but thad din't make me to stop trying to use more than 2 dual gpu cards after a walk to the kiala point to pickup teemto his two old 3870x2's i start to mes whit them thx teemto for the good deal thad wa have made. five of the six gpu's ar detected , stil tring to detect all six gpu's, the three 3870x2's ar ok i have an other 3870x2 but i think this one is not ok,
  4. no problem, evrbudy need to start somware have fun wile ocing
  5. sorry but, i think thad you have put the wrong Frequency. your Frequency 1201.9
  6. thx for the info. i thought thad Double Precision only was for ati/amd cards and thad nvidia only use the cuda cors
  7. GPUPI_GT200.exe (compiled with CUDA toolkit 6.5 for CUDA 2.0 support of Geforce 200 series cards) whil tis include all geforce 200 series card or only the gtx? gts 250 not suportred by the curent version
  8. did you notic that sofos1990 runs 4 gpu's while oldcomer runs 5 gpu's but i am whit you about points for a spalsh and dash benchmark,maybe they whil go for the 32B if the time gose down below 2seconds to run it. stil waiting for the first to make a run whit 3 or more dual gpu card's
  9. Not thad i gone enter this competition ( no asus gear ) Is the 20th Anniversary Gold Edition allowed? i know its not labeld as a ROG/Strix graphic cards http://www.asus.com/Graphics_Cards/GOLD20THGTX980P4GD5/
  10. is it me, or ar not al stages and challenge online for the moment? no background ?
  11. i have noticed thad the opencl was not cheked. so this meens a lot of amd gpu's whil not work? like a 4870x2
  12. dam ther gose my plan for running 4x 3870x2.have alredy 2 cards here and 2 more on the way. edit; acording to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units#Radeon_R700_.28HD_4xxx.29_Series the 3870x2 support cl 1.0 and have a Double Precision of 211.2
  13. how to get this bench to work whit a 3870x2 gpu? APP SDK 2.9 instaled
  14. had the same problem the furst time i traid this benchmark on a cpu,so no rookie error lol. but than i found this post from GENiEBEN
  15. its nice to se thad the Multi-gpu support works this good. time whil thel when the furst multie - dual-gpu's run's ar online if i had the cash i traid max possibel confiuration whit titan-z , xeon phi (if its supported ), tesla and other. ps: if a gpu have support for openCL or cuda but the benchmark don't like the gpu,how can this be fixt?
  16. my setup don't like low BLCK. was abel to run one time at 88.9 and never agen.so traid other strategie ,xtu whit other progs to slow system down but xtu don't like this.
  17. elite or no elite,if a store or manufactur gave you the opportunity to test high-end or other product's. for me no problem if he/she use it for points. i am a normal self paying " non sponser " ocer. and i had the opportunity to test a gtx strix 960 , thx to tones. it was my dissision not to bench this gpu for points on stock speed
  18. i have us and tha latest Intel Management Engine Driver version
  19. i have used 3 english versions 2 whit sp1 and one whit out sp1, and all have the same situation.even whit upping the multi by one above stock gave me -- for the temps and 0 for cpu speed. i am letting this comp go, good luck to the rest.
  20. what to do if you have a xtu score whit -- for the temperature and a 0 for the Ghz? its a clean instal of win 7 whit sp1 i am not alowed to submit becos of this. * The CPU load temperature must be higher than 25°C - your submission is incomplete. edit: i trayd 3 windows and 2 bios versions stil the same -- and 0 for temp and cpu speed
  21. i did a test whit this tweak on my sr-2 rig on a old daily os raid-0 ssd setup,and whit the cat and 3d11 on the same ramdisk of 4gig normal : 7649 ms + 3d11 : 7237 ms normal + ramdisk : 7278 ms + 3d11 + ramdisk : 7287 ms
  22. love the Multi-socket id, cound me in
  23. lol.was juist aan het kijken naar deze kaartjes hope you can find what you need. http://www.ebay.de/itm/ASUS-Radeon-HD7870-2048-MB-GDDR5-DirectCU-II-/221689117243?pt=DE_Elektronik_Computer_Computer_Graphikkarten&hash=item339db37a3b http://www.ebay.de/itm/Asus-ATI-Radeon-HD-7870-DirectCU-II-v2-Aktiv-PCIe-3-0-x16-2048MB-/331473174818?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item4d2d574122 http://www.ebay.de/itm/Grafikkarte-Asus-Radeon-HD7870-DC2TG-2GD5-V2-/141568914956?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item20f62a360c http://www.ebay.de/itm/MSI-GTX-770-Lightning-TwinFrozr-IV-cooler-beste-770-GTX-8-Monate-Garantie-/171664295720?pt=DE_Elektronik_Computer_Computer_Graphikkarten&hash=item27f7fd4728 http://www.2dehands.be/computer-game-consoles/computer-onderdelen/videokaarten/asus-hd-7870-directcu-ii-210224424.html http://www.2dehands.be/computer-game-consoles/computer-onderdelen/videokaarten/asus-ati-radeon-hd-7870-220756361.html
  24. I don't have the card,Pic's ar from overclockers.com If sombody have this card can dey confurm if this is corect? Datasheet of the NCP81174 http://www.onsemi.com/pub_link/Collateral/NCP81174-D.PDF For the moment no luck to find info of the mem/ppl chip
  25. Lol,u find it faster than i can responds Ps: stil need a mod for my 560 ti 448 classified whit chill 8266 datasheet of the chill 8266 http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/pb-chl8266.pdf It has a 2-pin SMbus,so can i use a EVC divice on this card? pins to use ar #14 = SDA , #15 = SCL and GND
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