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Everything posted by skulstation

  1. i don't wane spoil your fun.but you need to hit start and if you realy did run it whit this speed how lang did it take?
  2. thx this run was started when i uploaded my 107 score and done somware in the night from saterday to sunday or veri urly this morning.so no backup but i am stil running to try to go lower whit the same hardware
  3. what ar the chanses thad it whil work whit Pentium III / amd K6 and below ?
  4. no need to search inside the control center.its in possibel to enabel opencl support via software if the hardware don't have it integrated. ps: we al started some day as a noob
  5. no opencl support thads the problem thad you have
  6. i strarted around 12:00 belgium time ,and did go to sleap around 23:00 and it was slit tikking some slides over.and the next day i woke up and it was done. stil traing to beat the 100 lol have a beter wone than this sinds this morning and startet a new run
  7. Damm a ±12h aquamark3 run lost. o_O But gone.re start now,if system boots to xp o_O
  8. Lol this need more time than i was thinking. Stil my furst stock run. Edit: its 23:00 in belgium,time to sleap.and let the diaschow continiu
  9. Watching dia schow Edit 1:Whit stock settinds.need to find a way to downclok,after ±1h stil watching
  10. Ar al the raspberry pi models alowd?
  11. qx9775 is a socket 771 cpu qx9770 is a socket 775 cpu bothe of the cpu's ar almost the same.the diference is fb-dimm vs ddr2 and dual vs singel socket i dont think ther ar 775-to-771 convertors only 771-to-775
  12. i know thad the Cinebench R15 LGA775 stage is for 775 socket. but ar we alowed to run 771 to 775 convertors , and ar users whit a qx9775 alowed to run singel cpu configuration on 771 socket bords?
  13. is the g3258 alowed? evry time i try to sumbid xtu i have a error, your submission is incomplete.and this is in the ambient challenge. edit: lol i think thad i found wy i have error's. i am traing to submit in the ambient challenge,but it works in the extreme. so i think the extreme league needs to submit in the extreme challenge.
  14. acording to http://de.evga.com/products/moreInfo.asp?pn=100-UC-0400-BR&family=Accessories they ar back in stock agen
  15. no issues any more.thx
  16. plz check the xeon e5506,Validation failed: Processor is required for 2D benchmarks.
  17. the speed is agen normal,recalculation is working to.don't know how ist about the lag whil submitting a score, need to bench somting firts .
  18. good to hear thad its possibel but no rush for other platforms,take your time whit the windows version.
  19. hallo i don't know if this is on the good place. the hole day i have some problems whit hwbot. the problems ar as folowed slow loading score ar uploaded very slow and somtimes multipel times force racalculation not working someone else whit problems like this?
  20. @ _mat_ is it possibel to run it on a non windows platform? or make it non windows compatibel?
  21. close,thx for the space. and also thx to superpatodonaldo for thx link to a cheap w3503 and aerou for the bios.
  22. i take the Kingpin Nbb pot. chek pm
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