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Everything posted by BeepBeep2

  1. Well, had efficiency issues then dropped a channel then wouldn't post...must have been doing it right. Still got 8 gig validation, fun stuff.
  2. Hi. Daveburt714's gem FX-8120 will be up on teh bench hopefully before comp is over. I have an A6-5400K and ASRock FM2 M-ITX but it's not gonna win anything. Can't even get DDR3-1866 divider to work
  3. CPU was sold on Overclockers.com ... Board still available $120 shipped
  4. Sorry guys, been away for a bit. Sweet, how about $275? Shipping is more for worldwide.
  5. I don't have a heatsink and I don't want to mount a pot and install an OS to do fix this, therefore... This is how to fix it: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1726429 Will part out - CPU $260 shipped Motherboard $120 shipped $370 shipped for both.
  6. Yeah, I need the cash pretty badly and pretty quickly. Hopefully the combo has a new home by the end of the week, already listed on ebay as well, CPU only for $320.
  7. Hello everyone! I'm selling my 2600K and MIVE, I don't need them anymore as I upgraded to Phenom II X4...lol http://hwbot.org/submission/2334802_beepbeep2_cpu_frequency_core_i7_2600k_5759.36_mhz This CPU has hit 5.76 GHz at -30 to -40c, benches 3D around 5.7 and 2D from 5.70-5.75 depending on the benchmark (ie, wPrime 1024M vs SuperPi)... The MIVE unfortunately has a corrupt Intel Management Engine on both BIOS chips, the board runs and works fine except BCLK is locked at 100 MHz. This is pretty easily fixable, I can give directions to the buyer, or the buyer can contact ASUS for repair as the board should still be in warranty until next year IIRC. The BIOS chips are removable as well, if you would like to just buy a drop-in BIOS replacement from ebay or somewhere else. Price is $380 shipped CONUS, $400 shipped worldwide for both the board and the CPU. Thanks! Sam
  8. I suppose you're correct.
  9. BeepBeep2

    Wtb: Hd 6870

    Willing to pay $100 shipped from within the US, $110 shipped from abroad, don't need a reference card, don't need a good overclocker. Just need a functional card, no accessories. I would actually like to trade up for it if possible as well, HD 5770 Sapphire Vapor-X reference PCB, benches 1000-1015 on stock cooling and about 1060-1070 with cold air. Samsung GDDR5 will bench 1445 for a short time but seems to get tired after a while...good for 1350 MHz consistent. Thanks guys
  10. Nothing special for tweaks! eXperience Micro XP, LSC, 128mb maxmem, 220MB copy-waza You've got lots of time, I think this is beatable, I could probably do better though with 4.9 GHz CPU-NB...
  11. Yes...and HE/SE names are unrelated to what came first etc, SE = performance, HE = High Efficiency http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2452347 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=359632
  12. Stepping confusion for K8 is kind of odd... CCB8F F3 stepping X2 Windsor or F3 Santa Ana like knopflerbruce's will obviously win. His submission technically breaks the rules but it is the same as Windsor...
  13. I see...my bad. Its unfortunate that some people feel they need to cheat.
  14. In case of 2500/2600K this would be crazy I think for some benchmarks efficiency should win, like SuperPi, lowest CPU frequency... CPU-Z I agree with this, etc etc.
  15. 5100 MHz CPU-NB is INSANE but need moar efficiency :
  16. Maybe the latest revision I've had this UD5 for 8-9 months, it's not the last revision. Early UD3 all had crazy vdroop or crazy vgain
  17. Thanks guys! Moose, UD3's crap LLC options are a no no... Gigabyte is just a pita to change frequency with, too used to being babied by ASUS ROG Connect, easy tune uses resources and is limited in options. Had to pick HT Ref. I wanted then move multi up with K10stat...also CPU-Z would not save with F7 so I had to have the save window open already...just a pain in the ass. Actually took 4 hours to get a validation, two cores capable of 7 GHz, two only 6.8-6.9. Good wprime CPU I think.
  18. Thanks! These are still on sale, I'll have to get some more 965s to bin soon...
  19. Who cares when you can run 1M at 3.8 GHz right? My 5600+ has a coldbug of -18 but runs like sh*t...
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