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Everything posted by BeepBeep2

  1. Impressive. I don't think my CPU will do that, also having trouble with my hypers above 1600 on UD5 air Gotta buy a few more before stock runs out here lol
  2. Does it have any effect on times? Pretty cool
  3. Same pot. Same pot insulation wrapping. Same USB drive in same slot... GPU PCB has same 38mm fan on front and other fan on back Fans hung on CPU pot, that are in exactly the same orientation and same models... In 2nd/3rd ones, GPU PCI-E cables even arc the exact same way, with zip tie in same spot between the cables. Blue towel stuff in 2nd/3rd under front of GPU is stuffed in exactly the same way. This is even more clear from 1st pic to 3rd...more similar angle, it takes the same shape in both pics Paper in the top to make the cone in each GPU pot is oriented exactly the same throughout all 3 images. There is masking tape clearly visible in the exact same spots on all 3 pics...look at airflow/PCI bracket on 1st / 3rd. The same strip is over the exhaust holes in the exact same configuration Uh...
  4. I can see it now, three videos, 5 secs long each, showing all 3 angles. "There's the proof, no sharing. See?"
  5. Continued from the Edison.Chan LOLWTFBBQ use a calculator result thread: First off, was this Extreme Player team supposed to be created simply to fill spots in this contest? Second off, is it that hard to give 3 guys three machines, ASRock? Or did you not supply, and the three of them figured they could only afford one system? If so, why would the other two of them care outside which ever one were to submit results? Third, if ASRock was not involved, why was this team created out of the blue, with 3 members that are new, but obviously know exactly what they were doing? Shame on whoever is responsible... "One does not simply Look at 2 others and share 1 system's best results throughout benchmarks" ... Edison.Chan's result here was a part of several results in the ASRock Z77 challenge that look shady. His was the only one that didn't add up though, however others were sharing parts and nothing happened: http://hwbot.org/user/extreme_player_duanln/ (Now banned) http://hwbot.org/user/extreme_player_paranoiamd/ http://hwbot.org/user/extreme_player_yang/ They all entered the contest with the same hardware and slightly different clocks, even bothered to upload pics of the same system but slightly different angles. Look at pics: http://hwbot.org/submission/2319361_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2314960 http://hwbot.org/submission/2314962 Note that second/third ones I list were uploaded back to back duanln yang paranoiAMD
  6. dinos we were discussing the issue of sharing, I don't think illegitimacy of those scores. Edison.Chan's result here was a part of several results in the ASRock Z77 challenge that look shady. His was the only one that didn't add up though, however others were sharing parts and nothing happened: http://hwbot.org/user/extreme_player_duanln/ (Now banned) http://hwbot.org/user/extreme_player_paranoiamd/ http://hwbot.org/user/extreme_player_yang/ They all entered the contest with the same hardware and slightly different clocks, even bothered to upload pics of the same system but slightly different angles. Look at pics: http://hwbot.org/submission/2319361_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2314960 http://hwbot.org/submission/2314962 Note that second/third ones I list were uploaded back to back duanln yang paranoiAMD
  7. Of course. http://www.elmor.se/3dmark I did that, Edison's scores are fked up somehow, either way it is wrong and he is banned. I brought up that 3 of the guys that were also in the ASRock competiton (the Edison guy ran 01 for the comp), the other 3 guys all had rig pics of the same rig at different angles but legit scores. So they all cheated too, you can't share hardware here, regardless of if they are legit produced scores or not. Hence "3 guys at 1 rig going ok, you win 01, I win wPrime and you win PiFast" is wrong...
  8. No, 01se run order, it still computes the final score correctly. Go check 10 other 01 scores, then look at his. The overall score does not match the individual scores weighted and calculated properly. As far as the hardware sharing, it is illegal anyway, so all the scores of those 3 guys are against HWBOT rules. This should have been taken to PM a long time ago, I'm not gonna comment on it anymore.
  9. Yes, a team competition would have been fair. Like the team cup. "Team XXX" "Team YYY" But that isn't how the competition was organized It looks to me like ASRock did (fix) this purposely, and those overclockers, were sharing.
  10. They either should have: A. Given out more boards, and more CPUs, and maybe a few more GPUs B. Hosted the competition somewhere else. When you have three guys standing over one machine going: "So, I'll win PiFast, you win 01, and he wins wPrime, and I'll make sure to Photoshop my score better than it should be" there is a problem.
  11. How would I know? There is no way to tell. If guys want to share hardware, there is no way for HWBOT to tell if they do it like that. (I am NOT accusing X800/Orange of sharing...and they probably are NOT, there is no proof) But guys like the three I listed above (duanln, yang, ParanoiAMD) all just post the same rig pics of the same parts and then think they can get away with just running slightly different clocks? How stupid do they think people are? HWBOT needs to start requiring people fill in all information for submissions too, and require rig pics. People get lazy sometimes with pics, I do it too, but I bench inside my house, by myself. When you do a group session and bench multiple benchmarks, you only need to fill in the first one and adjust CPU/DRAM/GPU clocks accordingly...it isn't even that hard to share and get away with it
  12. Okay...but http://hwbot.org/competition/asrock_z77_oc_formula_challenge/stage/716_3dmark01/ "duanln", "yang" and "ParanoiAMD" have the same setup, even same fans and fan placement...same CPU pot wrap, same zip ties on GPU...obviously the same system generating different HTPP/GTPP Aaaaand all this shadyness is obviously not happening in China, but looks like HKEPC Lab. X800 or whoever looks like the only one with his own system, no zip-tied fan to GPU, different fans, GPU pots unwrapped and running (for what reason would he do this though? so everything can get wet?) but same type CPU pot/green wrap. Then the other guy posts only a close-up of a board that has been torn down. What gives? EDIT: http://hwbot.org/competition/asrock_z77_oc_formula_challenge/stage/715_pifast/ Same, the 3 share, 1 guy with close up after teardown, then policha has GPU under LN2 full pot for pifast.
  13. What about all the ASRock comp scores with same rig pic (even same folded paper in GPU pot)? Hardware sharing even outside of legit scores...doesn't matter if those guys have points enabled or not, they still generate team points according to team page.
  14. Okay, so a wrapper would need to be written to check validity(?)
  15. Ok, my bad. Pifast. So one could write out a file that looks like Pifast, but does not Pifast?
  16. Infra, you don't mean super cheats of PCM05? I still don't get the text edit tweak, "legit" or not (what defines legit?), why still no level playing field?
  17. I don't have an LN2 pot. Even a good air cooler would help bump clocks...I'm using the stock OEM heatsink lol Which is why I just spent $5 on a riser cable, if it gets here before friday great if not oh well. My scythe musashi fits, but I can't install the card because the cooler hits the mobo...so gonna pull it up from the mobo a bit.
  18. Well, let's make sure to backup all John Lam's screens if he is penalized, wouldn't want the screens being submitted later under a new person's name with slightly different scores. I don't see why people feel the need to cheat.
  19. 349 point discrepancy you say fester? 376 point advantage over Team.AU? Seems here the HKEPC guys forgot to do math this time...because surely ~15-25 points over Team.AU without cheating was enough for them, or they were afraid of backups?
  20. Maybe due to the massive amount of bandwidth available on intel platforms, less difference when times are much quicker... I don't have experience on Ivy and limited experience with Sandy so my fault for assuming that RAM made a difference. If there is one anyway on intel, should be negligible, on AMD the difference is usually only a few hundredths average and the variance in each wPrime 32M "lucky" run is enough to change that.
  21. I have not tested effect of ram on intel platforms but I know on AMD memory makes a small difference...for example Phenom II, 1800 CL6 will give better results every time than 1333 CL9... You can say it doesn't make any difference at all if you want, maybe on Ivy it doesn't, but doesn't apply to all platforms
  22. @Eeky They don't matter that much but they do make a small difference
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