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Everything posted by Splave

  1. yup thanks mister turrican
  2. Ticket ID: 684 Priority: Low Our team lost 110 points last night and we cant figure out what happen, lol any insight? Any bugs been reported score wise? Very strange.
  3. it says you dont participate in the rankings ie you have to check the box at the bottom before you submit saying that you want a score nice run btw
  4. Ticket ID: 659 Priority: High http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/7fh28/\r\nGPU-Z dump \r\n\r\nThanks guys
  5. your guys are amazing
  6. Ticket ID: 578 Priority: Medium 9600gso 512mb gddr3\r\n\r\nRebranded 8800gts 512mb I believe, uses cheaper ram than the other 9600gso\'s 1500mhz seems to be the ceiling on them. \r\n\r\nNewegg link\r\nhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121320&Tpk=9600gso\r\n\r\nGPU-Z valid\r\nhttp://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/cxr2h/ Valid\r\n\r\nThanks guys
  7. are you in slow mode? maybe try a long cmos clear with the battery out
  8. any luck getting the rated fsb over 4 ghz? 248 seems to be close to my ud4p max albeit lower multi. 5.2ghz is nasty
  9. thanks as always jmke
  10. Can you just confirm we are still using 1.5 ? I see soooo many results using 2.00 and I get better times with 2.00. Have been reporting them when I see them. Should I not be?
  11. Should be seperate? Seems the 16sp versions have upgraded ram as well. Please discuss, priority on this should be about 1.5/10 though so dont worry about it too hard keep up the good work guys
  12. ^indeed thanks to both of you
  13. Is it okay to share hard drives with a team-mate?
  14. when I type 9800gtx+ it just shows the 9800gtx scores instead. Not a big deal to me just thought I would let ya know
  15. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=876565 is in question, not missing anything. Screen is a bit garbled but thats because the GPU is a peice of sh1t rofl. Thanks in advance
  16. Just a question for future reference. Say you are running a x500 gpu and gpu-z shows x500/x300 as the card name. I assume you can only submit the results as an x500 correct? Could you run the x300 and post as an x500 being a less powerful card? How do you safeguard against this? Reason I ask is Im a lazy bastard and dont want to switch my WB from my fx3400 to my fx4400 if at all possible lol
  17. lol umm no, OC is stand up guy and would never cheat. I will be beating that score this weekend though stay tuned
  18. I understand, will be back with what they say! Thanks massman for working with me through this. What they told me was that the CPU was read as unkown for some reason they cant publish it. so am I pretty much screwed lol? I mean I could upload the run file to you so you could verify but that would be a b1tch for you.
  19. When I try to make the link public it just goes back to private each time, I think its because the drivers are beta. So no I dont have a link
  20. any news on this?
  21. hey guys I guess my 3dmark03 score got flagged for not enough proof. I updated it http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=820142 If you'd like I can upload the 3dmark save file as well. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks
  22. gotcha thanks
  23. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=840116 Should have all the verification necessary lmk if I need to add anything. Not getting any points for it and the first time I submitted it, it disappeared lol It was late so It could have been me
  24. I will just improve the score then Thanks alot for speedy remedy to my problems my friend
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