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Everything posted by T_M

  1. Nice feeling aint it 6870 vMEM http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?261846-Team-AU-6870-vMEM Asus 220 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v310/T_M/220mods.jpg Digital Alliance GTX470 http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?261167-Team-AU-Digital-Alliance-GTX470-mods
  2. just landed, can be reached on +62 811811 0946. ryba im alone
  3. Im arriving tomorrow at 15:05, so should be available from 4-5pm. I trust that we shall use Saturday night wisely
  4. Thanks yeah this was a very satifying result even if only at 1400MHz, and literally the first out of only two for the session before my 5L ran out. I have been struggling for months without good paste and finally last night was my first test using the good stuff. 1450MHz passed easily straight after but the score dropped and then I ran out of juice.
  5. Your tips are working very well But i really need the paste!
  6. Not until i've peaked out the card. Only have a 30L tank
  7. so the bug and video are not related to your score?
  8. keep it cos its the only thing pro is good at
  9. Kurbel says: "12 hours ago – so, no need for 275/285 anymore?!" Sure, you only need a 6GHz sandy bridge instead
  10. Please see here: http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=122246&postcount=12
  11. Massman, although this score has been fixed in the calculation of my GL points and ranking, it still shows up incorrect in my list of top 15 GL points in my profile. Can you please fix? It all happened because my first submission was accidentally as single card, so i got 118 GL points for it. I then edited the submission, recalculated it, etc. It is now fixed everywhere except in my profile top 15 GL points table which still shows the 118 pts.
  12. Oh well suit yourselves That 43PT is easy to do on 5000MHz gulfy
  13. Amazing score, but could have been much better with Gulftown
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