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Everything posted by Asmola

  1. Asmola


    Pm sent.
  2. pm sent.
  3. My Trident Z 3600 16-16 1T works flawless even under 1.3v, works 3733 16-16 1T with stock volts too. Currently using Gene with bios 0014, but have to try another bios, cause with this bios i have serious problems getting these work +3600 12-12 1T..
  4. Have you tested those on Maximus VIII? Can i wait about similar results with it?
  5. Where from you found this kit? Nice kit!
  6. They were sale on Europe atleast, bought one already, but currently sold out.
  7. Damn!!
  8. I will buy those, pm sent.
  9. Ty very much! You saved lot of my precious time, how much do I owe?
  10. Hi,


    Your guide did not fully explained RTL / IOL settings. There are 4 settigs for each channel of both (4 RTL's for A channeld etc..), so if you wanna use let's say 57 RTL (CHA) D0 and 51 on RTL (CHA) D1, should i use 57-57-51-57 on bios for channel A?


    I hope you understand what i mean. :)

  11. Look's good! BTW, have anyone tested extreme overclocking while computer is submerged to mineral oil and top of the LN2 pot is above the surface?
  12. Why so low physics score?? But great score anyway, keep pushing.
  13. What else we can expect from you. Nice result mate!
  14. Good Job Petri! Triple Point now officially released and i believe marketing works! Some kind of record here?
  15. We used Petri's "Rock solid" 5,4GHz 3960X on this run cause it was more stable with 4x4Gb memory.
  16. It was really nice event, but i must say these kind of Live Events aren't the best places for record hunting, humidity where almost 100%, system and overclockers both condensated a lot. And we had problems with my 5,8GHz 3930K, but i believe it was cause of 4x4Gb memory. Used 4x2Gb units before.
  17. At least im not afraid of taking challenges! And not so sure about the golden hand, i ordered those from online store that you might know, so there is one goldenhanded storeman/consignor in Turku!
  18. Hmm, where did you heard our secret? I must agree, that was my 7970 which was poorest air-overclocking one i have seen so Petri wanted to try it with LN2 so we made a deal. I think Petri wont regret that deal at all, correct?
  19. Nice Petri, nice to see that you found one golden card! Your card + my 3930K @ +5,7GHz, 15k done?
  20. So it looks like those chips were worse than average. You should try to find cpu with highest temps. My 3930K is pretty hot one, so it might be high leakage chip.
  21. My CPU does 2 core test's at 5,8 GHz but Vantage etc 6c/12t test's only 5,75GHz so it seems that all cpu's wont scale that well. Or it also might be that cpu needs lower temps, but if cpu is unable to handle any colder, you cant do anything about it..
  22. So, how those worked under ln2? Any +5,8GHz chips?
  23. Nice chip! How it does 6c/12t?
  24. Im trying to get that board in to my hands again and hopely im able to improve my results.
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