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Everything posted by Coldest

  1. Just want to ask for, Non-retail / ES hardware allowed in this competition or retail hardware only ?
  2. OK , so it fixed the competition and Stage 3 "XTU 5 GHz" ended at may 29. Hopefully something like this did not happen again in the next competition, If i know like this. I just stop bench when the stage 6 3d01 already ended and dry the board. Not keep continue to Bench XTU for stage 3 scoring. My X99-SOC Champion board got damage when I benched XTU after bench 3dmark 01 ,,,(T_T),,, Wallpaper link : http://hwbotnews.s3.amazonaws.com/Competitions/1228_GigabyteX99ChampionChallenge/champion_challenge_1920x1080.jpg BTW Congratz for the winner, Demac and the runner-up FireKiller GR , Nice fight, GG and Well played :3 finally i can take a rest. Start prep my luggage and etc before going to Taipei peacefully
  3. Excuse me, Stage 3 5GHZ XTU is ended at 29 May or 31 May ? Because 2 weeks ago, I remember that I saw stage 3 5 GHz XTU end at 31 May and Now Stage 5GHz already ended at 29 May ? Is it some error from oc-esport website or just me the one who saw it wrong or I'm drunk when i checked it. lol
  4. @massman : I don't see any limitation rule for VGA Card brand. So in this competition, all participant can use any brand GT730 VGA card with Gigabyte X99 Board, is it ?
  5. around 40~~50 minutes ,,,(=_="),,,
  6. Just WTA, Is it allowed to use chilled water cooling system for cpu cooler ? custom watercooling with chilled water using water ice block (not dry ice / dice ).
  7. Just WTA, Is it allowed to use chilled water cooling system for cpu cooler ? custom watercooling with chilled water using ice block (not dry ice / dice ).
  8. Why not !? I also participate for sure for Computex 2014 Since i only need take MRT or Bus to Any OC events in Computex
  9. @Wizerty : Agree with Lucky_Noobs , SOmetimes it works helping more memclock and sometimes it's just make the board looks cool with ICE lol ;P @TAPAKAH : It's Already 4++ Hours using the same setup and Taiwan Humidity is very humid >.< @All : Thanks
  10. I'm join in for Gigabyte OC Lab Party, too
  11. I'm joining in MSI overclocking workshop on June 10th, too . Great chances to play with LN2 Again
  12. Near NTNU University , I have a lot free times until 5 march. Maybe we can meet up somewhere in Taipei, IF U not Busy .
  13. I'm joining in , Since I already live in Taipei. See you all in Computex 2013
  14. Thanks and Congrats for all Winners especially Perica, dRweEz and Vivi let's meet up again, just like a year ago
  15. @all : Thanks I'm just lucky here because i still have good AMD CPU chips that i used for ASUS AEOCC Indonesia FFA Qualification and final 29 Febuary 2012. Honestly, i'm start bench 4 days before deadline because still have much work and reviews from my offices. And strugling for PCmark 05 tweaks thats i don't know much of it. and thanks a lot to Christian Ney for PCmark 05 tweaking http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37447 that help me alot for PCmark05 stage. Sorry for posting all my scores after benchmarking PCmark 05 done at the last days , 12 hours before deadline.
  16. Usually, I'm Buying LN2 at Aneka Gas Industry Ln2 Plant, East Jakarta, Indonesia. For urgent need, i usually refills our 2 dewars (35ltr and 15 ltr) at Aneka Gas LN2 Plant, It will cost around Rp 352.000,- for 50 liter/40Kg LN2. Plus Rp 150.000,- for Taxi Transportation (for the worst case cost, Jakarta heavy Traffic Jam). Total = Rp 502.000,- At Aneka Gas, LN2 cost Rp 8.800/KG (Include Gov Tax 10%) . They're sell it in KG not in liter, with Conversion 1 liter = 0,8 Kg . I can also ordered 1 full tank VGL with 120 Liter LN2 for Rp 935.000,- .( Already Include Tax, VGL rent cost and Delivery service cost ). But it will need 2~4 work days until the VGL delivered in my work place.
  17. Thanks so much for fix my error submission update and recalculate the score. Now,the nightmare is already over. can sleep peacefully now Thanks
  18. This is my new submission : http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2231517_coldest_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_%28dx11%29_geforce_gtx_580_2149.94_dx11_marks Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it
  19. @ christian ney : Please check my submission history : http://www.hwbot.org/user/coldest/ There I clearly submitted 2149 Score for DX11, then I scored again 356.25 for DX9. After this, i updated my 2149 DX11 submission for photo update, but then suddenly my GTX 580 score reverted to 356.25. http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2231504 How to fix this? I cannot edit my DX11 submission again since it would need me to submit the .hwbot score.. I can send you the 2149.hwbot score if it's needed. Thanks,
  20. Guys, I updated the photo of my setup and suddenly my score went strange. Can anybody help?
  21. @ Shrekogre : Really nice BCLK, keep pushing it ! @ BlackBird1 : I think it's not done by Control Center, it's by other software... my friend Lucky_n00b found the trick already
  22. Sorry mate, I think there's no mistake in my stage one submission,Because I read the rules stage 1 for highest memory clocks, There's no limitation for cpu multiplier. Only Stage 2 superpi 32M, there is a rule that all contestants must use 31x multiplier or lower. Rules Stage 1 highest Memory Clock Rules stage 2 Superpi 32M The competition pages already removed from HWBot main page, but the links is still up, u can check it here http://hwbot.org/competition/gbt_lockednloaded/stage/278_highest_ddr3_mhz_validation/ I think increasing BCLK on UD7, it's quietly easy. Just Increasing BCLK 0,1~0,5 each Bios boot, u will be fine, because the board will increase the BCLK without shutting down the system and u will be fine until u reach bclk limit. I'm using Kingstong Genesis Grey 2133 RAM, When on air @1,85 V, i just got BCLK 106,5 Mhz. Giving 1,95v VDIMM, there's still no scaling. After I'm Freezed the ram and give 1,95v VDIMM, I can increased the BCLK until 110.6 Mhz, boot from bios to OS Windows 7 without using easy tune. for BCLK 110.7 and 110.8 can't boot with windows 7 ( crash at Windows 7 loading ) after change the os to Windows XP, I can boot the OS with BCLK 110.7 without problem and got 110.8 after three times trying boot,because the system already very unstable. and for timing and subtiming RAM settings, I just used AUTO preset for stage 1. It's Already a week of waiting for winner announcement and still waiting
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