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Everything posted by Calathea

  1. And I screwed up today and showed up too late for refill of LN2 lol! Will post my best 3d11 score now, it's still with orig bios with -60 cold bug...
  2. Yap, I always use IDE setting when I install XP. I had some funny glitches above 150 MHz fsb where the screen would flicker, sometimes show corrupt graphics and only show part of windows like superpi. I would guess pci-e frequency was very high, maybe directly tied to fsb? Almost every reboot I had to push reset button to boot os, since first try gives black screen. I didn't have the time to try other graphics cards but maybe, just maybe, I would have gotten higher with some other card. And there's no PCI slots on this mobo so that wasn't an option either.
  3. Yes, the mobo is sold together with the cpu. Will miss it but have no real use of it any more. Thanks
  4. Hi guys. Just a little write-up on my latest oc. I got hold of this neat cpu for a HTPC build for a friend and obviously I had to try out it's overclocking capabilities before dooming it to a life of stock clocks and air cooling Now most people might think "Why?!" since the A10-6700 is a locked cpu and the 6800K would be the best choice for OC. Well simply put I was curious how far this cpu could be pushed in spite of locked max multi. Plus I've been meaning to try out The Stilts awesome piece of software, Bulldozer Conditioner which really improves x87 performance i. e. Super Pi. For this bench session I used the ASUS F2A85M-PRO together with Dominator Platinum 2666C10 and cooled by Little Devil rotary SS (-55 Celsius at best). It's a real good idea to use high powered fan on vrm when benching wprime, it gets rather hot... but mobo is great for FM2 OC. Max cpuz (max fsb) http://hwbot.org/submission/2408256_calathea_cpu_frequency_a10_6700_5623.44_mhz Max pifast 24.97 @ 5624 MHz http://hwbot.org/submission/2408259_calathea_pifast_a10_6700_24.97_sec Max Spi1M 14,219 @ 5624 MHz http://hwbot.org/submission/2408261_calathea_superpi___1m_a10_6700_14sec_219ms Max Spi32M 13 min 12,219 sec @ 5587 MHz http://hwbot.org/submission/2408262_calathea_superpi___32m_a10_6700_13min_12sec_219ms Max Wprime32M 11,484 @ 5624 MHz http://hwbot.org/submission/2408265_calathea_wprime___32m_a10_6700_11sec_484ms Max Wprime1024M 6 min 8,874 sec @ 5546 MHz http://hwbot.org/submission/2408267_calathea_wprime___1024m_a10_6700_368sec_874ms Still very fun to oc, especially now with the improved X87-performance. With one or more multi available I think up to 6 GHz would be ok to run 1M with this cooling. Turbo multis did only work at low fsb, like booting 105 and then raise in OS. Sadly could not raise to more than ~ 125 FSB inside OS so 150x37 was way faster.
  5. Things are moving. Zzolio, are you waiting to post scores last minute or are you out?
  6. Alright, I might buy another 20 L if someone can confirm this bios to work. Come on guys
  7. That's one massive pot. I looked at your autocad drawing, I like it! With limited machining capabilities, it's hard to do much better than that. When and with what will you test it? Alu or plastic top?
  8. Dat build quality. I am of course speaking about Infras piece of art.
  9. No worries. I'd wait if I were you to rebench, elmor told me cold bug fix bios for this card should be out in mid/end of this week.
  10. Mm yes. This card has always clocked bad on the core, max out around 950 MHz on air.
  11. Hi guys I se this stirred up quite a discussion. Frankly I feel a bit offended by SCHENCKEL BROS and RBUASS insinuation of this being fake. This was ran with 1155/1300 MHz as shown. This card can't do 1200 core, it's the same card I used in semis http://hwbot.org/submission/2382890_calathea_3dmark11___performance_geforce_gtx_560_ti_448_8696_marks Being a Twin Frozr III card, there still isn't a bios to solve cold bug available so I'm stuck at sub 1200 MHz. Hence didn't bother with video. In a few days we will surely see people posting with unlocked bios and core clocks above 1300 MHz, leaving this score way behind
  12. Good luck! Makes me want to freeze AMD again.
  13. Niiice. With some proper twekaing and XP, sub 10 sec is possible!
  14. Alright thanks. I know you're doing your best but damn those fellas at R&D are slooow.
  15. Who the hell steals a dewar. Hope you find a new one soon mate!
  16. Let's hope the bios guys at MSI work weekends... this can really destroy the competition if just some get unlocked bios.
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