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Everything posted by Calathea

  1. Oh thanks dude! Happy to have found this chip, last night I broke 12 points in Cinebench R11.5, key was slightly lower vcore. Next up must be grabbing some pocals in 3d benching.
  2. I don't know man, some stuff (not really a lot though) has for sure degraded or passed away on ln2/dice for me, nothing on air/wate yet. Don't think failed delids counts lol. Condensation is a bitch
  3. Aw crap, it's too bad when a good chip dies. About the temp, you sure it's not a bad paste that's giving you a lower "cold bug" temp? Judging by the clocks, they don't seem to scale. On the other side I have a friend with a -130 cb 4670k that did max 5,4 Ghz vantage Anyway thanks for the info in top post, I just got a used M6E without the accessories for cheap, so it will replace my gigabyte. 4x sli/cf is yummy
  4. Congrats, that's a really really good chip
  5. or option B. don't use vaseline -132 is quite low, good chip?
  6. I suspect pins 24 and 25, SM_DIO (=SDA pin) and SM_CLK. However I don't know what the SV_DIO/ and SV_CLK/ -pins are for
  7. der8auer, can you set higher than say 1.5 vgpu? For me max is 1.4 vgpu on a ref hd5850 and for another swedish overclocker, 1.48 was max on a 4870. There still seem to be limits in place.
  8. Thanks. Don't you get any ideas about benching AMD now
  9. Cpu MHz is slightly on the high side for this don't you think?
  10. New year, new limits http://hwbot.org/submission/2474735_
  11. Well I guess it was just a matter of time before you added this record to your collection Nice work! What temp and volts on ram?
  12. But pifast is harder than 1M on both cpu and ram no? seems I'm not the only one with i3 s1156... look at Alex@Ro's results on i3 560: http://hwbot.org/submission/2104033_alex_ro_pifast_core_i3_560_16.34_sec http://hwbot.org/submission/2104357_alex_ro_superpi___1m_core_i3_560_7sec_906ms 325 MHz less to run 1M.
  13. Weird business indeed.Come to think of it I had a 3570k for MOA qualifiers that did wprime above pi too, ruled it down to crap IMC. Is that the case here too maybe.. Moar volts will be tested, when does vtt insta kill? edit: on a second thought I will try some other memory dividers before I kill the chip. Might even run hwbot prime too!
  14. Hello friends. I have like many others tried on s1156 for hwbot country cup. I'm running a GIGABYTE P55A-UD4 and the Core i3 550 on LittleDevil single stage, ca -55 Celsius. I remember my first encounter with H55M-UD2H and i3 530, it was a fun platform to OC back in the day and I think one of my first to run DICE on. ANYHOO... I've ran into a problem. I can run Pifast all the way up to 5,66 GHz, 236 bclk, it gives no errors and performance is fine. But as soon as I fire up super pi and start 1M I'm greeted with either black screen or BSOD? WTH? Mobo seems to max out fsb around 240, which I am fine with. After all I think H55M was way easier to clock up bclk with and 240 is decent for most P55 mobos. I've never ever seen pifast go higher than super pi before, what am I doing wrong? Settings were 1.7 vcore 1.55 vtt (probably dangerous yes) 1.2 SB 1.7 PLL Max of this chip on SS
  15. dat ram. Pretty impressive I might say, glad to see you found some efficiency too.
  16. Good job. You didn't run ln2 just for 4 GHz 32m right?
  17. Agree with Loud. Cheat or honest mistake with turbo multis.
  18. Moose, what bios? I prefer X05 over any newer bios for PSC. But still 1300 cl8 is impossible for me when I use 4670k. Have you seen improvement with slightly looser trp? You seem to be the only one recommending such timings with PSC.
  19. PSU requierements are often way too exaggerated, both by companies and users. That said I would recommend 700W+ single rail with good efficiency (gold or better) and many pci-e contacts. Simply because that's my view of a good benching psu. Now running Cooler Master V1000 and happy with it. You never know when you want to start benching graphics
  20. Nice chip. Any problems running 1300 cl8? I sure have with mine.
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