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Everything posted by TeamAU

  1. waiting for Febrantodi_reliable
  2. really? 7970 4way at 1780mhz? thats crazy and not even ln2 just -35, out of this world result cant wait for the 1850 single card, maybe even 1900 with tess off, cant wait to get my hands on xt2 great result
  3. nice job dude, hope you win!
  4. LOL seriously? im not sure if you noticed, but the definition of the pro league is to bench lots of stuff no one else has... as far as im concerned some crazy 48 core servers are nothing compared to some of the hardware people in pro league have access to if you want fair? go to another league, simple.. good luck to dhenz, i think hes doing a great job
  5. this is normal isnt it? i tried 2 PCS and couldnt run stock clocks, but were okay under LN2
  6. are you sure this result is reliable? i didn't see the word "_reliable" in your username, so im not sure if its reliable or not? please clarify
  7. mate easiest way for most users is to enable xmp profile1, then just set any timings you want over the top but your way also works good, nice tip
  8. looking good Nicky, youve got the efficiency headed in he right direction for sure
  9. impressive, next team.au member in the making? maybe..
  10. nice a lazy 8.7 in the back pocket, next to the best cpu and memory right? lol
  11. That classy teamed up with the new driver is the business, sick
  12. LOL nah im semi-retired from pcmark, well at least retired for the time being!
  13. i think thats a good thing, give people a chance to compete purely based on tweaking skill and not needing a crazy chip, thats why i always liked pcmark05
  14. seriously great week, amazing to bench with such benchers during the week, some highlights for me, Shamino being introduced as Mr Wolf from mongolia, and Peter's howl to the moon in response, benching pi with fredyama-san again, insane to post the highest 32m result ever on stage (even if it was beaten twice in the coming days) watching duck-san and Vince bench the 4-way rig, with Tin in support, definatly a sight to see elmor on the VGA, i don't think anyone has an understanding on subzero VGA like Jon Hiwa is a nutcase with memory, always knows the right timings to set and has a great understanding of IC's and of course, benching with hicookie and Dino, always a pleasure!
  15. not sure if this is posted elsewhere, excuse if it is, just saw this on Australian website ----------------- Update for the Grand Final: Total 16 teams: 3 from America's, 5 from EMEA and 4 from APAC, presumably another 1 from each region through the Lords of Overclocking contest.. That leaves one place TBD. Confirmed Date for Grand Final: September 28. Focused product: X79 for MB, VGA:TBD Interesting choice going with X79.. That would point to a 3Dmark11 stage for VGA. Presumably the CPU benchmark/s will have a multi limitation so massive CPU clocks are a moot point. Cold bugging will be interesting. Last year no torches were allowed (venue requirement) so a big powerful hairdryer would be needed in that case.
  16. Pericccccaaa, congrats dude, ready for some paintball? lol
  17. yeah sick benching, you must have run 03 a few times to get nice unbugged runs
  18. lol yeah nature is hard on the VGA, artifacts near the butterfly landing on the rock many times
  19. let me introduce, futurarama massman http://www.quickmeme.com/futurarama-massman/?upcoming
  20. wow nice fredyama-san, i knew there was a bit more left in it, but this is very impressive, it was a pleasure to bench with you this week
  21. wow amazing result, strong benching guys
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