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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. What you did this on Air ??? ________ Honda TLR200
  2. whats this .......... ________ Suzuki Gsx-R400 Specifications
  3. 9124 mate with 2d booster Its a tad faster than 0601 ________ Ducati Multistrada 1000S Ds
  4. ahh i see old cpu-z version not reading 960 properly ________ Medical marijuana dispensaries
  5. Nice D0 stepping 965 where you get that one ?? ________ Herbal vaporizers
  6. is win 7 the new flavour ?? can you bench higher frequency but sacrifice efficiancy ?? well done either way Hiwa very nice cpu. how many did you binn to get that gem. ________ Glass pipe
  7. wow very nice hicookie, keep pushing it mate ________ Vaporizer Affiliate Program
  8. Wow Cookie when will it end 5min flat hahahaha nice work bro, truly amazing !!! ________ Aprilia scarabeo 150
  9. LOLS at MR Mrmagoo what a tool, I told you hicookie you would do it. Congratz Bro. ________ Chevrolet avalanche
  10. yeah definatly and a better driver lol ________ CHRYSLER PL PLATFORM
  11. Dont feel bad mate there are none available in Australia at all. I just got off the phone to MSI here and they only just landed in the country 2 days ago and retailers wont have them until atleast next week. MSI couldn't even ship me one directly in time to compete. As well as there are no qualifiers for MOA in Australia us Aussies only chance is at LOC comp. I will give my best regardless but will be competing against pan asia. ________ Mercedes-Benz Fintail
  12. ummm ...... lol try turning off phsyx first hey, also missing cpu-z showing memory and cpu, just lol. ________ Ford hsc engine
  13. Please show what you did to drop latency that much, if you cant its a bugged run. ________ BALANCE (LEXUS) HISTORY
  14. Well he bloody better be telling the truth im about to purchase a few 980x 3005f585 , 3005f801, 2005f720 lets see if i can get a gem or one that comes close or ill be spewing were all the chips you binned Andre 3005F720 or others aswell would be nice to know before i start spewing money, cheers and bloody WELL done Andre keep up the good work ________ New Jersey Dispensary
  15. Wait Massman your basing the whole not reason for not removing points from ES samples is that people will just cheat CPU-Z. Do you have no faith or trust in overclockers ??? one or 2 might but would be caught out and why would they do that , do they have no honour or respect and only care about how big their ego and epeen is ?? ________ BUY MAGIC FLIGHT LAUNCH BOX
  16. Umm i have to say LOL this guy i have brought several AO samples from him and everyone was a DUD they are all pre binned when i first contacted him he was telling me he is good friends with Andre and Nickshih and is a TOP overclocker- message him yourself he will tell you same thing ________ (Automobile)
  17. Wow interesting thread, do i think there is an unfair advantage with certain people having a tray of GEM ES cpu's well ofcourse. Do i think HWBOT are going to do anything about it ..... no, im sure they have they're reason's. As overclockers can we do anything about it ??? yes ofcourse we can have a bit of honour and stop ego tripping about how big our epeen is based on silly points and stop using AO ES cpu's. Really at the end of day i don't care, i do what i do because i love doing it, even with retails i will push myself and aim to beat the big boys no matter what cpu they use. GEM Retails will come maybe CO/DO who knows. Nothing personal Massman but you really come across as extremely stubborn and have only excuses why this proposal wouldn't work and not why it would, yes manufacturers may cheat with cpu-z but would the overclockers using them have no respect and only care about their ego ???? maybe they would but one day they would slip up and end up banned for life. Really people we have to moderate ourselves and not let stupid points or silly ranking by a website force us to cheat over each other. Peace people. We do this because we love it lets not make haters ________ Ford 999 History
  18. driver allow for his gpu-z screen to read he was running 2000mhz + core ?? there are multiple things wrong with this post ________ NEW MEXICO MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES
  19. LMAO hahahahaha ________ New jersey dispensaries
  20. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1009691_q56_monster_3dmark_vantage___performance_geforce_gtx_480_29652_marks I dunno h20 cooled results beating ln2 on cpu and gpu ??? maybe he knows something i dont ???? ________ Justin Bieber Fan
  21. Amazing GPU score very well done, and wow vista tweakage very impressive ________ Extreme Q Vaporizer
  22. Pure insanity mate im scared to see your backups lol Very Well Done ________ Honda P50 history
  23. Hi i was just looking at the wprime 32 hall of fame for 4x core cpu and noticed this submission which does not make sense http://hwbot.org/community/submission/855518_andreyang_wprime_32m_xeon_w3540_4sec_360ms No one else in the top 20 achieved anywhere near this at such low mhz and there is no cpu-z or screen shots to validate it other than the checksum validation. My honest opinion is he accidently put the wrong mhz when submitting his score and it was probably more like 5.4 ghz and not 4.8 i was just curious being its andre i would never think in any way he was cheating. http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/wprime_32m/rankings?cores=4 Also does wprime require a screenshot or is checksum on its own good enough ? I thought you had to submit a screen shot with 2 instances of cpu-z showiing memory and cpu ?? Thankyou guys. ________ No2 Vaporizer
  24. Hi last night i submitted a score for vantage with a 5870 its my fastest score with a single gpu so far and it states i got 15 points + 1.5 now my points on profile has not changed at all it has been 24 hours but i still see no change to my points on my profile, but it states the points have been awarded when i look at the submitted result. i had 421 now still the same ???? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/951559_uncle_fester_3dmark_vantage___performance_radeon_hd_5870_21655_marks ________ Ignazio giunti
  25. huh wheres my post ? ________ Yamaha ym3812 history
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