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El Gappo

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Everything posted by El Gappo

  1. El Gappo

    The Rage

    Awesome, at the next meet you can join me and scoot drinking and pulling that face at hardware all day instead of that silly benching lark you always do.
  2. Scoot has a rex that won't boot after a cmos reset or coldbug unless you jump start it with a pentium 4. It's so much fun on cascade. None of the buttons work and a fet has popped and been replaced also lol.
  3. ^^ Think it's a good idea to require video with top 50 cpu-z. A video of how you reach said clocks, not just cpu-z... PScheck, amdod or whatever
  4. El Gappo

    The Rage

    I think scoot gets the rage http://www.overclock.net/t/1271479/asus-rma-z77-mvg
  5. When is the overall ranking going to pop up? http://hwbot.org/competition/team_cup_2012/
  6. Went down quicker than Sin on a Gigabyte rep
  7. Possibly bugged? Spi time is really slow and htt + ram kinda high for validation. If that's right it's time to dress troufman up as Goku and go for 9ghz
  8. Massman math... Well now we know why the points system doesn't make much sense
  9. lol nice work splave
  10. Takes a little while, even a couple of weeks until they are back where they were mate
  11. This chip from a system pull or you found somewhere selling them?
  12. My 3570 had a stinker of an IMC but not that bad lol. The difference between some of these chips is crazy.
  13. El Gappo

    Irony ...

    Don't they send you crayons with the cards?
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