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El Gappo

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Everything posted by El Gappo

  1. Crazy man. Umbrella corp RU Stepping their game up
  2. Deleted all the teams? lol
  3. MSI and Giga stuff arrived, no memory though. It's progress.. lol
  4. There is nobody with 500mhz more on the CPU with onboard raid-0. You should know onboard takes a shit after 338htt or so. Remember a short while ago when you were accusing TD of changing files for having near 10K vs using raid xpert on single core because you couldn't match it? Or last week when you accused him of using flash2desktop because you didn't know vista produced higher TW? Same shit all over again.
  5. It would be much higher if it were. Wasn't even available then and I didn't use it when it was. Where are you at with VS and 2/2.5 acards on SB950 Steve?
  6. lol pre-released... I think you're just mad I reported a bunch of your BS scores The score was already checked yesterday along with the other perfectly legit scores you reported If Pro-digy asks and it aids in shutting you up I will gladly explain
  7. Done when the read ahead and write back cache raid rom came out and that's all that was used. I think this was even before the dodgy 12.8 drivers were released? Go untangle your panties and worry about your own scores buddy.
  8. Looking forward to it
  9. MSI stuff arrived, nout else though.
  10. bunnying nipple tweak made me squirt coke out my nose man lmao
  11. Yeah, this one gave it away for me
  12. Add another one Bass http://www.overclock.net/t/1302964/buxton-uk-ln2-meet-nov-9th-10th
  13. Pizzaman has a cracking clip of monstru and trouffman going at it Kept playing during his moa video's like some weird subliminal gangham message.
  14. It's over mate, not worth worrying about.
  15. Memory is not tight enough for such a fast time.
  16. Nope never proven, just had countless submissions removed for using powertoy... Like your sempron sub? lol http://hwbot.org/submission/2315557_moose83_pcmark_2005_sempron_150_49637_marks A wrapper would be awesome GEN!
  17. Yes with single core! I had 647 gen and 9855 vs on my first run with a 145...
  18. You have used raidxpert in your own subs right moose? 9K+ vs is easy.
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