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El Gappo

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Everything posted by El Gappo

  1. The report had me in stitches Don't pick on Max because he's slow.
  2. Nice one Mike. Shame the DFI didn't play ball
  3. Is this a bug? What software are you using? New bios? What's going on?
  4. Wait till the time limit on points kicks in. You'll be out of the top 20
  5. I think you only need a link for top 20 WR not Global anyway. Unless it's changed recently....
  6. Dhenzjhen is sandbagging. He has super secret Supermicro L337 Teabagger C7Z87-OCE submissions yet to come!
  7. I want one of these boards just because it'll look hilarious with the Marksman on it Would be quite a tight fit I imagine.
  8. Perfect avatar for that post ^^ The Russians are coming!
  9. You're crazy. There will be people lining up to buy L337 ganking machines.
  10. I had too look it up because I thought you were pulling my leg. Can't believe that's real
  11. Even if only for consistencies sake. Things might change People might actually go after it if WR points were there. Cinebench would be effected in the same way but much worse. How does XTU scale with crazy cores?
  12. lmao Any joy with that board?
  13. For cinebench and wprime they are getting world records though and we don't see the kind of point boost that 3d benches get for overall WR's, regardless of core/card count. http://hwbot.org/submission/2361730_knopflerbruce_wprime___1024m_4x_opteron_6164_he_30sec_108ms http://hwbot.org/submission/2384918_patriot_cinebench_r11.5_4x_opteron_6164_he_45.3_points I want to see these results and want to see people going for them. Probably going to happen a lot less if they are getting Nul points. Going to look pretty funny with a sempron at about 700 seconds in wprime gets awarded ten times the points of the overall world record when it's 20 times slower. Disappointed Rbuass isn't in this thread, right up his alley.
  14. Ahahahaha
  15. This would be very nice. Just something like the "team partners" spot on pro cup team pages (which has disappeared, is it coming back? ) would be nice. Selectable on your profile and individual submissions...
  16. Itttts alive! How are ya big fella?
  17. Good to know. So that's a no on other leagues then I take it?
  18. Caralho I thought ES Haswell was going to be allowed in XOC this time also?
  19. Nice Ron But Cmon... where's Moose? Not been reported yet, he's slacking. Might have to report something to wake him up.
  20. Might need more than 1 or 2 Liters, maybe even 4 or 5 Good luck, cool to see more open meets, they are a blast
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