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Everything posted by xxbassplayerxx

  1. Board sold. Thanks everyone.
  2. I agree. My 3770K at 1.525V 32M was more in line with where such a bad chip should be---6.3 valid.
  3. Alright... 1.400V 5GHz 32M 3570K did 6.55 valid, 1M at 6.4 and 32M at 6.3. IMC does 2800+ with four DIMMs with only 1.15 VTT and IMC. I'll be testing soon for a bit higher. Batch is either 3227C or 3240C. I'll update this post with it when I check. EDIT: 3770K is 3227C and is horrible. It won't boot at 5GHz on water no matter what voltage... I have to boot at 4.9 / 1.525V and move the multi up one. EDIT 2: 3570K does 32M at 1.40V on the OC Formula. UD4H just needs more volts.
  4. 965, yeah... It was a C0 chip. The 975s are D0 and overclock very well for Bloomfield. They should do 4.2-4.5GHz for 24/7 with no issue. They don't do the 4.7-5GHz that we see today with Ivy, but they're not bad by any means.
  5. You definitely should not need 1.40V for 4.2GHz. Have you tried lower? 1.35V? 1.325V?
  6. L3240C and L3223C are terribad on air
  7. This is the biggest issue I've run into and it's actually one of the main reasons I learned how to determine my own volt mods... links are almost always broken. That's why I'm excited about OCN's image hosting. Every image link you post can be imported and rehosted on OCN automatically.
  8. I've wanted to do something like this as well! It would make GTX 200/GTX 400 benching much easier
  9. I did. Tried 4, 5, and 6.
  10. I agree. I run all of my cards on Vantage with the 980X because it helps me beat scores run with a 3770K and the like. I absolutely guarantee you that there are instances where CPU + Titan is going to beat CPU + 7970 outside of the range that CPU tweaking can make up. Bottom line, Titan will help scores, no matter much it's role is deceivingly downplayed. It released after the competition started and should not be allowed. This has always been the case. And my team has quite a few Titans...
  11. The problem with this is that the difference can be quite large... 10 points in the case in the OP. What has changed in that instance? Nothing at all... still running the same benchmark, still running a chip released in 2009, still running an X58 board (earliest is using RIIIE, I was using OC--comparable boards), etc. For a 3D benchmark, what you're saying has more merit but does it really deserve more points? Because someone may have been into a hobby earlier? Joining a hobby and competing against old results should not be a detriment. If that was the case, I should sell all of my 8800 cards because it's not 2006 anymore and benching a 8800GTS with IB isn't worth as much as benching it with Conroe. I do agree that the older result should receive recognition (first in the list of 2nd place finishes), but I don't think that should translate to more points. Bottom line, the scores are the same. People can say you should have beat the score and this and that, but in they end, they should know how it works. You push and push and sometimes you don't beat it. Tying someone in no way means you didn't try hard enough. They're not better because they got the score earlier... they just benched at a different time.
  12. Snagged one on Newegg. Thanks all
  13. I'm fighting BBSE sticks right now. They were cake to clock on Z77-GD65 but this UD4H hates them. 2400 is hard and 50% doesn't boot.
  14. Would you believe me if I told you that I'm an engineer?
  15. Hmmm... So the rankings and all of that stuff effectively continue... they're just not publicized now? To explain, if a Pro Cup member of OCN was to submit an 8800GTX score, it would get scored as normal, he just wouldn't receive the points for the Pro Cup?
  16. I need one! More wattage is fine, a little less is okay if it's a well known unit. Send me what you have! I only want modular--Semi or fully doesn't matter. This will be used to power a 3570K + 5870 gaming rig. Please include shipping to Louisville, KY. I'm looking at $50 max.
  17. What if they don't want to do Pro OC Cup? Out of luck and find somewhere else to compete?
  18. I think the earlier submissions should be the first on the list, but the points should be the same. i.e. You submit first, I submit second, and Reggie submits third. The order would be like so: 1. Bobnova (first in the list denoting the oldest submission) 1. Bassplayer 1. Reggie (third in the list denoting the newest submission) I'm not sure if there are any benches where widespread ties are common, but with four or five people having the same score, it could get messy. You could be tied for third or fourth with six or seven people and get less points than the guys below you!
  19. Wow... A single screw down mount! Absolutely incredible thought! If it's not patented yet, I'd get on it
  20. http://hwbot.org/submission/2362132 This one is just a video.
  21. FX-4170 sold pending payment.
  22. I fan into Mem CB hard. First test was run at about -90°C and all worked well. The second run gave me a colored screen at the very end of nature. After that, I had tons of issues. What does OCP/OVP look like in these cards? Jut an immediate cut off or something else?
  23. Is this list compiled anywhere? I'm going to buy a chip tomorrow and 600 posts is a lot to look through!
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