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Everything posted by xxbassplayerxx

  1. Is this a valid screenshot? It's a 2D score without a memory tab... Patriot, do any of your backups have the correct format?
  2. Tied for 7th place but you were given 8th place and less points. Fair? If not, vote in the poll on the front page for Option 2!
  3. You can buy a 10g container of GC Extreme on eBay for $23 shipped. That's what I do.
  4. According to the rules page: "Verification link Mandatory for top-20 global" This is not a Top-20 Global Score. This page includes the Top-20 Global: http://hwbot.org/benchmark/pcmark_2005/rankings?start=0#interval=20#cores=#start=0 EDIT: Unless it's top 20 6x submission... which if so, needs to be clarified in the rules.
  5. If you can get your hands on some Coollaboratory Liquid Pro... I'm very interested to see how that performs subzero.
  6. Well fuck me
  7. Didn't even think about PSCheck. Does it have hotkeys too?
  8. Seeing that is what made me think of douchebag steve lol
  9. Is there a version of K10 Stat that works with Thuban? If so, is there a way to raise/lower multi with a hotkey?
  10. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MSI-NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-275-N275GTXLightning-1-75-GB-GDDR3-SDRAM-PCI-Express-/281076527664?pt=PCC_Video_TV_Cards&hash=item4171777230
  11. The side with the darker bar is the positive leg. That should go to the side closest to the chokes like the grey bar on the other caps.
  12. Funny... I'm just the opposite. I can identify stuff but my volt mods are horrendous
  13. That's a choke! That, the mosfets (the small, square black chips to the right of the chokes), and a few other components make up the VRM.
  14. You can probably just stick this one right where the old one was and solder to the old legs. The solder used in the production of computer components has much higher melting temperatures than standard solder. If you want to work with it well, a hot air station is the best.
  15. Can we get a date before which the final version must be competed to be included in the Team Cup? We have a bench meetup April 12-14 that will be our only chance to do the live benching, afaik.
  16. Those are just tantalum capacitors. 330 is the uF rating. They're not hard to find and they're not expensive! EDIT: Ninja'd. For the record, they don't need any sort of heatsink, either.
  17. My 3570K is 3240C and it's decent. 6.55 valid, 6.4 1M, 6.3 32M. Far from good, though.
  18. Oh believe me I know lol. I am in technical support / customer service for an international engineering company. I deal with people who speak little English on a regular basis. If they're unlucky, they'll get a taste of my broken Spanish. You didn't throw it away, did you? Please say no...
  19. In English, kilo is usually only used in weights and literally means one kilogram. For example: "They found 200 kilos of unrefined cocaine."
  20. lol translation
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