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Everything posted by Bobnova

  1. Really can't say Titan is allowed, start the comp, run the first round, then ban it IMO.
  2. Anybody can get software? I've had exactly zero luck in finding the proper software for the SOC cards. Gigabyte isn't very forthcoming on that one.
  3. We need to ban the NDA OC Guru, AB, Precision, and so on too of course
  4. People get trays of 100 retail CPUs too, should that be banned?
  5. How long have ES been allowed in Pro League / Pro Cup? Forever? (Since it existed, anyway) Joining a league and then arguing to have the rules changed in your favor is sort of silly IMO. I'm not going to join a soccer (football, whatever) team and then try to get heading the ball banned because I'm not tall enough.
  6. For the top, "Pro" ranking: Best scores possible. I see no reason for anything short of that. There are divisions for "Best I Can Possibly Beat" after all, like the one I inhabit generally.
  7. ES aren't any more or less available to me than Titans or EPowers are. Ban them too? Ban the 780 as well, as it requires an EPower, which cannot currently be bought.
  8. Welcome to Pro Cup. Don't like it? Drop down to OC league. This has to be the most over-discussed topic on this forum, it'll never be settled. I don't see ES ever being banned personally, not when the combined might of Asus, EVGA and Gigabyte are ESing it up for marketing purposes. Think about it: HWBot bans ES. Now all the WRs set for marketing with ES CPUs don't show up on HWBot. HWBot looses relevance. HWBot dies.
  9. It's more secure than cinebench, which has points. That argument needs some work.
  10. Yeah I'm opposed to them, too
  11. Yeah it was SSH'd in, no monitor attached. The dist says this on login: Java -version says: I had a hell of a time getting Java in there and have the remnants of a few different HWBot-Bench-App's lurking in there too. I can't get OCing to work at all, I've tried manually and with raspi-config or whatever it is, no benchmark speed change. The score I submitted is roughly what I get every time, it goes up to ~412 and down to 402, but that's it variation wise. I can wrap the whole OS in a ball and upload it somewhere if you want to take a look at it, might take a bit at 1.5Mbit/s upload speeds though.
  12. I agree, completely. Multiple titans at least is a reasonable thing to expect a top5 person to have for binning purposes. A quad 16 core server setup? Less so. It turns "PRO OC CUP" into "Bribe the boss so I can run WPrime on the server at stock so I can get at least a few point in that stage", doesn't seem like the goal to me.
  13. Dude does have a point, though. Bare minimum $4000 of GPUs to compete. That'll cut the field down a bit.
  14. Fixed that for you. It is an entertaining benchmark, but the security on it is.... lol
  15. Bloody brilliant. I like it, a lot.
  16. I'm rather pleased with what the Bench Warmers managed
  17. Thanks for showing the card! Very nice to see an excellent example of 7970 OCP+current balancing done right. Very impressive! Hell of a result for a reference card!
  18. Holy crap, modern times are crazy.
  19. So someone has to ask: How sure are y'all that this is actually legit? Dude did get banned for falsifying screenshots here, after all.
  20. I don't see the score listed anywhere, not even as zero. Nor is there a link. Not enough validation.
  21. Seems like there has to be a feedback/vsense+ pin you can attack somewhere on that card. Even if the FB pin itself is toast due to the OCP mod, there's still vsense somewhere.
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