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Everything posted by Bobnova

  1. Toooo late. Gigabyte troll, it's part of a viral marketing campaign for Gigabyte's next addition to the G1 motherboard series. The Gigabyte G1 Troll. It randomly tells you that you could do a better job OCing if you added some MHz. In the BIOS it plays a badly recorded audio version of The Billy Goats Gruff.
  2. As long as you're pissing on things at Computex, there're a couple vendor reps that could do with it too I think. Do you take assignments?
  3. I think the animated version looks better than Asus' version. That's not promising.
  4. I like this idea, I think it could be pretty awesome.
  5. Very happy to see Gigabyte opening their doors to lots of people, that's fantastic. Not at all what I expected, I admit. Makes me wish I could get to Taiwan!
  6. I'm not either. I'm just lazy
  7. Soldermod the card? It's not exactly difficult to have your way with the current sensors. Thing'll probably blow up either way if the stock bits are pushed I bought an epower. It's being stored in a safe place till the next time I need it! If they become available again I'll buy a couple more.
  8. Sad to hear. Very understandable on your part though. Thanks for doing what you've done!
  9. That's my thought. Haswell isn't out yet, CPUz support for it on older versions is obviously crap as well.
  10. I fail to see how it's Massman's fault that people put NDA CPUz validations in a public database. I'd say it's the fault of those who put the validations in there. Everybody knows people troll through said database looking for such things before a launch, don't they?
  11. I don't see it as your responsibility to protect Intel's NDA, personally. Even if you signed it, I doubt it says that you have to hunt down and execute people who breach it. The Z77 one certainly didn't. Though I didn't get the IB NDA, only the Z77 chipset NDA so maybe CPUs they do In any event I'd go for leave it up, but now that I've seen 'em I don't really care much I can certainly understand wanting to take 'em down so Intel doesn't get pissed at you, especially if you get samples from them. I probably would, in that situation. (and, likely, would get yelled at)
  12. This is true, but it doesn't even come close to stopping everybody. It's why *I* don't cheat (among other reasons), but plenty of people still do. It's amazing how far people will go for prizes/money.
  13. Awesome! I'm looking forward to checking this out. Could be huuuuuuuuuuuuuge for OCing and HWBot.
  14. Lol that wasn't a video of me. Had I known the required number was down to 8 I'd have done a session in the parking lot at the shop, we have a pub nearby and I could have dragged that many over I'm sure
  15. It's an interesting concept. Could easily turn into a team winning because they already had parts X Y and Z and didn't have to try to get them from 10k miles away somewhere though.
  16. I must have missed that 8 would do it. That I could have done. Crap. The rules rather specifically say 20, though.
  17. I don't see 20 people in the Madshrimps video. Moose83's video doesn't have any spectators: http://hwbot.org/submission/2377734 I see about 8 dudes in this one: http://hwbot.org/submission/2377873 The others in CPUz look decent, though both CPUz and AM3 of this one don't actually show OCing and People at the same time: http://hwbot.org/submission/2377882 The pics involving OCing have an empty hall. As a comparison, this one's video is Doing It Right: http://hwbot.org/submission/2377866
  18. The thumbnail is a browser window...
  19. Capacitors in parallel add their capacitance together, so yes. Keep the leads as short as possible though.
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