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Everything posted by GunGod

  1. +1 ogblaz talk about Noctua prizes for Top 3 overal on 31-st. About batch and reduction size your answer is very welcome! p.s. Better late than never
  2. Any chance of adding "age" to last scores other need a hand also nope as far as i know
  3. Yep, looks like you put some of your life in it well done!
  4. Thanks mate! My bad, Now i got it. Maybe because it was not included in competition rules and giudelines. Hope more people join!
  5. I am not sure you understand me right because: "In the first stage, "Turrican's Choice", the oldest hardware wins" If i use gpu to calculate the Stage 1 bench what age will be taken gpu or cpu ? Edit: I gues i can't use GPU for calculations, i see at submision it says "GPUPI for CPU - 1B" and for stage 2 is GPUPI - 1B. Can someone confirm i cant use VGA to calculatgein stage 1
  6. ES allowed in Stage 1 ? EDIT: Can i use GPU for bench and what will be count for age, system CPU age or GPU age ? EDIT2: Or if used CPU for calculation count CPU age if GPU used count GPU age and in both case better is oldest CPU or GPU ?
  7. Prizes arrived today woooooot! Thanks to CM for the cool stuff and to HWBOT cuz make this possible. p.s. Very special thanks to Sir Timothée Pineau for enomerous support to get trought TNT defences and take the prizes!
  8. @ staff and hwbot community Can you please share your thoughts if you like CC 2014 to be In January 2015 ? December is tough month for CC since all the holidays, personal and bussiness aspecs at the end of the year. I know that maybe not all ppl want to have more time with their family but January is a way better mont for OC since most of ppl have more time to concentrate for better scores. Shipping is also killing durung December, agree ? If its possible and doable for hwbot staff can you left pool for it 10x.
  9. no "internet" he submit trought LAN directly intranet Smthng is not ok with timing mate for example in my team page my submision is before FGI submision but in competition he is before me, looks like your server using diff timers p.s. The serv, the serv the serv is on fire! Burn mo...... burn Edit: my bad i was loocking overall
  10. WHere is screenshot for stage 2 ? We are running out of time!!!
  11. Nice pad, had to grab some for crew Xmas presents
  12. Alive and kicking , looks like staff decide its bugged but u still on top
  13. hmm looks like i have to rebench mine, he still owes me a lot
  14. gj Hellas you did it again! cu from the other side! And now is a good time to rebench my Q's again i am thirsty for gooooooooooold
  15. Not only core is the problem, memory is also trash far far away from referent card with Samsung chips. It is very rare to find card with good mem since Asus put 16 chips on card or to change them too ?
  16. It looks nice but unfortunately this is not the best 4890 card for OC, all mine cant reach 950 core with 1.3v. Asus want to make it durable but not cherry picked the cores so we all are fckd up Take me while and lot of $ to figure it out. I had info for 4 cards and at same time i had 2 referent that can do 1000+ and are way cheaper
  17. Looks like it's time to go fishing till u cycle all the junk yard
  18. Gratz Helas! Im tired messing with "junk" boxes around my home
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