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Everything posted by GENiEBEN

  1. EDIT: This seems like a bug too, unless I need to sleep more PIFAST:
  2. Have a better day than us Pieter!
  3. It's a bug, you can delete the submission and resubmit it.
  4. I had the same opinion on this years ago but experience told me otherwise unfortunately. Sell overpriced item > Wait for 10 people to come and tell you the real market price > modify price > first page Ta-daa.
  5. It's ARM so no Windows yet, you can have linux on it but then you'd need the software. So, no
  6. Sounds good, you should also consider following: 1. Location tags are a must in threads title (UK/US/AU/CA/EU). 2. No upping the price if there is competition over an item. 3. If thread has multiple items for sale they must be marked as SOLD after they are sold. Do not delete SOLD items. 4. Discussing price in a thread is not appropriate and may result in removal of the post and/or sanction.
  7. XP can't use more than 2 cards.
  8. Chances are all were used and degraded
  9. #5 ? Sometimes you get another item after RMA which you won't be needing.
  10. Common sense, don't think it has to be a written rule
  11. Those 3 people that bought the 2Wins will be happy to compete in empty rankings As long as the card's specs aren't different than those of a normal 460 then they go to 2xSLI. Don't take my word for it tho, let's wait for Massman.
  12. I can help but needs more than 1 mod. And some rules.
  13. I have to admit it's a little hard to spot, I'll ask if it can be improved. Anyway, If you plan on adding a benchmark and you need help feel free to PM me or start a thread.
  14. The documentation is already available on the 'Add your benchmark' page http://static.hwbot.org/api/Generic_API_1.1.pdf
  15. Can be done with the default scene Won't share the info on the thread until I build a secure version.
  16. It's you who stole his screenshot, busted! :battle:
  17. Quoting myself lol, but WTFBBQ
  18. I was just about to look over it, if you can share details by PM it will be greatly appreciated. Im guessing you are referring to the feature that allows you to load last score, which is probably saved on hard disk / registry and it's easy to edit.
  19. 'Red' error should look like 'green' error?
  20. That is being taken care of, I have it on hold for the time being. Wprime: Agree :banana: PC05: Any good alternatives? And no PC7 does not qualify, it takes forever to complete it and on some systems it stucks in an endless loop. Aquamark: It's fast, perfect for lazy people. :wink: 3D05/06: Agree, you could put the focus on 03 and Vantage. That's because it's easier to write for stuff that you can actually TEST yourself now, not in the future. In a matter of years people will laugh at 'octa-core' optimized software for their 64 core systems.
  21. Definitely, nothing to hide
  22. 2. Maybe im misreading or presented it badly. Right now if I were to report someones sub I'd have to bookmark the adress if I want to see the outcome. (Great idea!) 3. Whatever suits you. Ohh nearly forgot, the 5000 points achievement is awarded at 4000!? Or atleast that's what the tooltip and progressbar seem to suggest, I got stuck at 3900 points so I can't tell lol. The 10000 points is also WTFBBQ.
  23. Ill guide him thru the process of making the datafile, im not sure he was aware of it.
  24. Haha awesome. So far I've looked into it and it's base64+gzuncompress, haven't had much time to go deeper but it can't be good. They need AES or something else
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