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Everything posted by GENiEBEN

  1. Damn you Chris for showing this, now I have to destroy my last two 4-way's.
  2. Started working on a multiplatform (deb/mac/win) one based on Qt BUT there are already tools to provide info for screenshots on linux
  3. 233: http://ark.intel.com/products/49935/Intel-Pentium-II-Processor-233-MHz-512K-Cache-66-MHz-FSB ?
  4. add/rename to localized strings: NVIDIA_G92.DEV_0606.1 = "NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS" Is this driver tweaked for SLI?
  5. GPU-Z relies on device driver for name (rather than internal database), so easy solution will be to mod the driver to add(rename) 0606 as 8800GS
  6. Well that depends on what motherboard we are talking about. A CPU-Z link will be a good place to start.
  7. EDIT: For DJ's haters
  8. Admin or not must 0 UAC so you have C:\ rights http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-user-account-control-uac-the-easy-way-on-windows-vista/
  9. Latest= Platform is still sold.
  10. As long as the replacement gets points the moment is added. Btw, before adding them let me know so I can check their 'integrity' lol.
  11. CIVF is not 990FX which is about the only supported AMD chipset by this app.
  12. UCBench has OFFICIAL builds for all 3 platforms @Beep wPrime needs the VB6 redis which is super buggy under ROS
  13. None of the benches will work without extra work but the speed is almost up-to-par with XP. Should be allowed since it's NT based as Windows. PS: On my 5th year of testing/working on ROS, still not benchable No need, all cheatable under Win (check my FB).
  14. error: no match for ‘operator<<<<’ j/k OT: Anyone tried this 'game' so far?
  15. Add a dummy plug into second DVI port of the card.
  16. 1. Clone the gpu_id column into, say, pair_id. 2. Cards that belong in a 'category', like in this case 430PCIe + 430PCI get same pair_id. 3. Mod HCE to read pair_id instead of gpu_id. 4. Profit?
  17. Well someone had fun on alib*ba.
  18. Haha, about time to let it rot. Skype: el.genieben
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