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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Missing CPUZ tabs and GPUZ tab, also fill in overal score, not the graphics score plz. Screenshot should look something linke this one:
  2. 2.5B is via benchmate only Charles ( via BenchMate 10.6.7 or newer )
  3. For f-secure try to disable the deepguard, same issue I had on my daily when doing screenshots for the new rules...
  4. Pasi replied this, I'll contact our programmer if he can adress this. Effectively every PCMark result has two URL's (current 3DMark ones are actually the same way).One is based on the id number of a database table that has an entry for every PCMark 8, PCMark 10 or unified 3DMark client submit - https://www.3dmark.com/pcm10/57209496 So, 57209496 is what we call internally a benchmark run id, it's just incremented by one for every result that comes in, so you can tell from the ID that we've had in total 57.2 million 3DMark (Ice Storm, Cloud Gate, Fire Strike onwards), PCMark 8 or PCMark 10 submits. Every current 3DMark client result has a url under /3dm/ where the ID numbers come from this same benchmark run id space, for example this Port Royal result https://www.3dmark.com/pr/668252 is also here https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/55246388 . http://www.3dmark.com/pcm10eb/53559 on the other hand is a test specific URL for PCMark 10 Express and 53559 is the results PCMark 10 Express ID (so we've received 53k PCMark 10 Express results). Why this setup exists is that initially we supported running multiple tests with the same run and indeed the default run when we launched the current 3DMark client ran all of Ice Storm, Cloud Gate and Fire Strike, and a run like that would have one run ID and also separate IDs for all the individual tests that were part of it so we knew what tests were run together. So while today we have two URLs that give the same page, we used to support this type of result page for a run with multiple test results from different tests: https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/50000 . So, I suppose the issue at hand is that the site shows you the /pcm10/ style url when you first submit, but after that there is no way to get back to it as the user never sees the run ID anywhere and you can only get the test specific URLs from your result history. If you need to have "one true URL" or a canonical URL, the /pcm10eb/ should probably be used for Express so everyone can get the link for old results as well (as said in the thread, for your own results it's the one shown in the "Link to this result" -box). You can also generate that type of URL for any other result even if it's not yours as the test specific ID in the URL is the one shown on the page. Or you could just support both types of URL for PCMark 10 submits. On the database level the two URLs point to the exact same result so whatever happens to one, happens to the other, so they are exactly equivalent.
  5. Programmer is onto a memory leak that he think is the root of this trouble. It slows down the Bot tremendously in under a week and creates these dreaded 50X errors and not Best submission bug
  6. Battle of Proxycon insanely bugged, +1000FPs than the rest...
  7. well you can also bench other benchmarks than UL ones right, I'll rephrase it HWBOT allows people to use whatever driver they feel is best for their videocard, be it an official or beta version of the videocard driver. (take note that UL Benchmarks is only Validating submissions within their approved drivers list).
  8. It's not for validation purposes (that always requries one of the latest official version), but for cpuz in screenshots to show the correct cpu speeds during the run.
  9. For those that feel bored you can have a look at the upcoming: General Rules FAQ Tip, inputs welcome, typos,...
  10. UL/Futuremarks links all over the place to be honest, Oziv and Matts score work fine straight from UL... now this one adds eb again to the link? Need to check with Pasi what the deal is here
  12. If you read the post before yours you will find the answer. This is a very sensitive topic and I hope people stop asking the same question over and over again for everybody's peace of mind. Primate labs has updated their Geekbench versions and have updated security. Therefore you don't need BenchMate to run any Geekbench version. Only thing you need to do: use the latest available version of Geekbench and ensure the run is ticked valid. Check out the new rules: GEEKBENCH3 - MULTI CORE (hwbot.org) GEEKBENCH4 - MULTI CORE (hwbot.org) GEEKBENCH5 - MULTI CORE (hwbot.org)
  13. works fine here :https://hwbot.org/submission/4662453_leeghoofd_gpupi_for_cpu___100m_core_i9_10900k_5sec_419ms?recalculate=true https://hwbot.org/submission/4662457_leeghoofd_gpupi_v3.3_for_cpu___1b_core_i9_10900k_1min_55sec_980ms?recalculate=true
  14. K stby I just did GPU for GPU no problem https://hwbot.org/submission/4662452_leeghoofd_gpupi___1b_geforce_rtx_3070_5sec_958ms
  15. GPUPI for GPU or for CPU ? normal GPUPI or V3.3?
  16. D3D overrider indeed, high Monitor Hz, LOD tweaking, GPU profiles to clock higher during test x,... so much you can do...
  17. what does the subtest comparison tell you ? You won't get much info from 3dmark.com
  18. intriguing, so you are not in it for the Globals? So just bench your favorite benchmark... 05 and CB R15 are still there right? What honestly did change for you if it was not for the Boints... really bro... Insert coin and try again... the "ACTIVE" community wanted 90% of these changes, especially the 3D guys wanted to have more challenging stuff for globals.
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