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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. yes sir ASRock, 2% btn screenie and validation file (the latter counts ofc) was the standard, but with current memory speeds 1% might be more relastic. Wha t do you guys think
  2. cpu can do more, had it booting in at 5550Mhz , but CBB on the SS is annoying
  3. Yes nothing should have changed, so if you can override it with that trick, fine by me... I'm not into the points distribution, just trying to keep things sort of running here :p @Alan_Alberino you can compete in as many stages you want, there still will be TC and CC too... anyway feel free to lend a hand or just a finger would be nice lol
  4. Frederik told me he had the challenger points were configured like this, last sub counted he told me. I'll check the discrepancies tonite
  5. Yes the bios needs to be ACPI compliant, otherwise we would all be running XP on Z390 to if we installed an IDE PCIe card
  6. Not the plan either to differentiate much, anyway subbing in multiple divisions is allowed. However point distribution only from one division, apparently the last you sub in!... DiV2-5 is only for specific x-core CPUs, In Div 1 is open for all desktop CPUs, CBR15 in Div1 is divided per core (choose your CPU wisely) Not all users will be able to run 5.5ghz like in X265, especially with the 10 or higher core CPUs. Scores will be dependant on the x-core of the used processor and the cooling used. Any suggestion to differentiate ? Edit: upped CPU MHz to 5603Mhz and now CBR15 divided per core
  7. No clue how that error got here
  8. You got low points due to the 7900X not being a popular CPU for Superpi, plus you have teammates that did better Pi scores on other platforms...
  9. - No limitations on processor speed. - Both Retail and ES hardware are allowed, however no server hardware, ASrock and no LGA 3467 setups - Single processor sockets only!! - PRO OC round 1 will focus on 2D only, The next round same CPU specs but with GPU limitation and 3D only. Round 3 will be a mix of 2D & 3D Current stages: Cinebench Extreme Superpi 32M Geekbench 4 multicore Memory maximum frequency Start date 15/02/2019 at 12:00 CET -- Closing date 15/04/2019 12:00 Verification screenshot includes: Full res desktop screenie, no clipping allowed!!! The Taskbar remains fully visible, including the iwndows time For maximum memory frequency, memory: only CPU-Z memory tab required on the competition background. And a validation link ofc For the other stages: CPU-Z for CPU, memory and mainboard tab are required
  10. yes, for Division 6 and 7 the processor needs to remain positive, even at idle! Memories can be frozen. For the other divisions you can go sub zero, no problem. I just want most to be able to reach the set clocks, even on air For all Divisions, one of the proposed monitoring softwares needs to be running in the background during the run, to check the maximum clocks, Also it needs to be in the screenshot, as shown in the example one, a few posts above
  11. No problem, added the new monitor software, FM1 and a valid screenshot example to the initial post
  12. K I checked both Open Hardware Monitor & CPUID HWmonitor Pro and can accept them to be used as an alternative for HWinfo. But make sure the required information is visible ( CPU speed and temps if needed) Open Hardware monitor can be downloaded here: LINK CPUID Hardware Monitor Pro: LINK
  13. you can participate with Lynfield and clarkdale in Div VII...
  14. if you have a better monitoring program, plz advise. Ill check it out on my windows 7 install edit: Had to install the KB3033929x64 for my win7 X64 SP1 install, afterwards worked fine here, no clue if will work on XP
  15. so if I change AMD stage to non AM4/TR. Does that make everybody happy?
  16. no thread derailing lads, let"s keep it clean
  17. So you only compete if you can win? I get 941 CBR15 with 4770K at 4500/4500 and 16GB 2400C13 XMP on my daily Win10, this with shitloads of apps in the background, There are 4700MHz HW that run 960ish with crap mems...
  18. I will leave out the latest and greatest socket for Div1 and even Pro can it run 4500 on ambient temps ? can it run high mem speeds ?
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