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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Apparently we can't join most of you for the ASUS HQ tour. Blimey we got the invite from our PR team last wednesday afternoon and it was impossible to fit in two Belgian waffles... ASUS booked one bus of 50 persons ?
  2. Thinking is not allowed at the Bot Stasio, that's Massman's job...
  3. Okay that's it Jake, now you put the knife in my back, twisted it twice around and pulled it out again... why on earth do we land this late on monday
  4. Question, do we need to bring our own OC gear to the events ? I seriously hope not
  5. you are not coming to Computex at all Sprave ?
  6. Took this picture right before he smacked my face Ah yes the Fugger incident...
  7. Don't tell Dino and Sin, but I kindda like the GB OC board... very flexible and it's dumb ass me friendly
  8. I had a terrible time with the newer biosses and my 2666C10 kit. Ram dividers broken, had to clock up from 2400 or 2600 divider (don't recall exactly). But the Corsair and G.Skill 2800C11 kits went quite nice. Anyway good luck mate in the competition, kick ass CPU !
  9. How does it work out with Hynix rams ? got these prety tight at 2600C10 on the Mpower during the review testing
  10. This CPU is for the team cup 2014 not to be hammered within 1 sec after bootup
  11. just sold my 5700 yesterday... this was too tempting
  12. Sold Aristidis, plz contact me for further details. Hope the CPU is still in mint condition
  13. congratz, PJ and Frederik, mile stone again... I share the coin wallet feeling, been there done that, still doing it
  14. Having the same issue on my laptop, missing out on 45K in AM3 196K iso 240
  15. Not coming to computex at all or just skipping the Gigabyte party ?
  16. Gamer is not so much into 2D/PCMark Plus take note he's quite old so he's getting slower
  17. Is he the one that made Christian Ney's day ? You found your match Mooseman
  18. I think James took most of them out, but this proves he's human after all ( even Aussies are human )
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