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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Gossip tells the Danish Ginger might be present too...
  2. Better start packing and then hide in the crate... I expect a detour via Siberia
  3. Buy me a cpu then or let me gerust I'll try the CPu on the DFI board, with one or two core less. Hope to breach 2.9ish GHz... don't think she has much left
  4. Leeghoofd

    Fx 8150

    lokking for a good deal on a Bulldozer FX-8150, can find some CPUs around 120 euros on fleaby... anyone got a better deal ? Yes it still needs to function for daily reviewing
  5. At least you didn't kill the CPU like Roman did , you are awesome Niko R E S P E C T !
  6. 70 euro on the 275 mate, pm me for shipping plz
  7. Me bows to the AMD master ! Great ghetto cooling method, again cold issues ? Learning curve is steep here, really have sometimes no clue to stabilise these CPUs...
  8. +1 IMOG: We had 5 of the same CPUs during the MPOWER OC Academy. The worst did 4800MHz totaly maxed out on a CORSAIR H80I (decent IMC with 2650MHz 6-11-6 ) Two around 5000MHz 1.45, one 5000 1.5. The best 5000MHz 32M Pi at 1.28, which we put under LN2. The latter CPU did close to 6700 1M and 3D around 6500ish...
  9. K, time to start your career in pro armwrestling dude ! See you on Eurosport !
  10. My issue with HH is especially with the CPU reviews that the benchmark suite is adapted to make the sample shine. Must be one of the sole websites that gave the FX-8150/8350 a silver/gold award. By all means they are not bad CPUs, but there's far better stuff out there. At first glance it looks like HH writes what the PR boys want. Denying at that moment you guys didn't follow the reviewers guide, was the silliest thing to do as I had it laying right in front of me. I want you guys to do a Corsair H90 review for honesty's sake, till now I know only two websites that got the conclusion nailed correctly. Secondly I want to test that 2666C10 kit that runs 3000MHz 11-12-12-2t at 1.75 volt. Any sign of stability or just a suicide screenshot ? Never ever is there any proof of stability... either ditch it or do it the right way. Similar case with the Kingston Hyper Beast 8GB 2400C11 dimms doing 2800MHz ? Darn I got the bad samples again... Oh btw your forum admins are magnificent, kuddos to them. Any decent input/criticism on the articles gets rapidly censored/hammered,... I must admit the site looks very nice, but the information spread always put's a too sunny light on the tested product. Looking at the HH rating system, there is close to no bad product out there... Now bashing other sites work methods and telling you guys are doing it all right just put a big smile on my face ! HH is a big marketing machine and if it works for you guys, great. But plz don't tell other people they are doing it wrong...
  11. Not even CL1.5 will give a 100% boost in GT2.... plain lol think we all tested this and know what works and what doesn't... bugged and removed by admin...
  12. Everytime I see one of these Ximi threads it puts a big smile on my face Were are we at, reported score thread nr 5 ? I've got no clue how you do it, but most scores you submit are seriously bugged or contrary the rules laid down here... your GT2 score is close to the double of normal, while nature and co are pretty low C'mon if you beat 3D03 LN2 scores with your aircooled setup, that's running at far lower GPU and CPU clocks, then something must be not right. I think we can agree on that... Also your setup picture is far from relevant to the score submitted... Good luck , looking forward to the next episode...
  13. Better give the shipping details for the prizes to PJ then Christian It makes no sense to fight the hardware master
  14. Very strong CPU's you got there mate, makes my 4200+ blush,lol darn thing barely does 3GHz lol
  15. Nice CPU just as I told you , don't push the volts to much... it doesn't always scale man
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