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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. The god of beers is back !! Run Boris run !!
  2. Nice one, too bad the architecture is limited for us benchers to a few tests... my board screamed at 6.6ghz already 8 cores
  3. I tested win 8 and it gives a tiny bit better performance due to improved task scheduler over Win7. Improvements : 1-4%, it still doesn't cut it at all... new word is the disabling of cores/threads to boost performance and lower power draw...
  4. Shame on all of you !!
  5. I'm so glad Massman is french... otherwise I would have been so ashamed...
  6. gooooooood score there ! top of the bunch !!
  7. amasing gaming ahead !!
  8. I was very scared when they fired it up for the first time... But an impresive last year build from the guy with the electrical hair...
  9. Other ram divider Luc, you need more ram speed... 7min 50 is at least your target
  10. so Gigabyte boards kill CPUs ? Or was it the overclocker ?
  11. can I join your team now Christian, Luc will kick me 4 sure....
  12. Chris stopped talking to me ever since................I lost another Inet friend I thought Malakas had several meanings ( depending on the situation used )
  13. well I haven't figured that one out, what was the trick to get so low ?
  14. Thanks man, we had a 55 flat in the running till it crashed around half way... we gave up as it was time to focus on something else that evening
  15. Congratz Pro and Spyboy48... you gave us a serious asswhooping Till next time, this was fun !!
  16. me bows to the pi32m master !! Well done, looking forward to see if Quake or diablo can match this... and don't forget voodoo Zolkorn dude...
  17. Ah little teaser score, sub 55 secs easily doable with them clocks up the bclock Very good job !! Team OC Be fail
  18. Enter only 8192 not 8912MB or other variants... we just crosschecked with massman and could submit a fake score... http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2210589_leeghoofd_superpi_32m_core_i7_2600k_18h_18min_18sec_180ms?recalculate=true
  19. I'm not even answering such a dirty question nauty Bill
  20. Dunno if Chris' is ready to handle big shippings abroad... But I want a signature edition... these things will sell like hot cakes... In Greece you have Chris and then you have George, Bill ,...,... he's absolutely a star !!
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