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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. we prefer red heads over black ones
  2. use the phase on that CPU it should be bale to do 5.3 at least (unless you got the wrong serial)
  3. We did it like this : 1.55Vcore set, try to boot 54X. No boot or no HD detected : drop multi till we got into windows ... If boot was succesfull at 55X, try higher... mess with bclock... Takes about 5 mins per CPU...
  4. Imagine a sick and crying baby on your arms : pouring LN2 to keep CPU temp under control. I was happy to complete the 6 benchmarks... Massman gave up with my demonic kid Suspecting the card throttled, it was idling at 62°C lol at stock clocks. Need to remount the cooler and be back with better results...
  5. My precious an absolute low end find lol I blame the board not the overclocker We had several theories while binning, though mostly the next CPU obliterated it again Thx tones for the opportunity !!
  6. HaPpY B'dAy !!
  7. That's what I call a very inefficient run pascal No OS tweaks, just a run...
  8. Gigabyte heard you, oh no they didn't. They send you the X58 UD7... close call (darn my place looks like a mess...)
  9. looking forward to LN2 on that card... great job ( as usual )
  10. Well done LAB 501 !! Good luck in Istanbul !!
  11. K let's investigate this : Asus card on a gigabyte board, being handled by GB Employee...Now he's talking about bad performance. This seems to be done on purpose It's a setup , don't be fooled lads !!!
  12. ah so Marc was really impressed by that Or did he get a threat by one of the greeks to remain silent while they were eating
  13. In fact what were you doing Massman ? preparing for lift off due to an overdose of Red Bull ? Or imitating the dying swan ? And wtf Marc Bro Beier seems to be sitting calm, not talking... incredible
  14. you spam whore SOF
  15. darn he looks overtrained, me start to run !!!
  16. Have fun guys, kick Stummi in the nuts for me Chris
  17. K I'll be there around 10 in the morning, take care dude and have a good nite sleep no sex !!
  18. I'll bring some Marc, dunno if bokbier is still sold here in the local store...
  19. Chris do I bring that special beer for you or not ? Or wait for AOCM ?
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