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Everything posted by Achill3uS

  1. bump
  2. hi folks im going to sell my best 6700K so far, need money for other things in life so i need to let this go. NEVER feed more than 1.90vcore, it scales very nice with volts but i was really carefull all the time with it. CPU is coming with BOX and original invoice from scan.co.uk CB No CBB -150/160C depends on mobo 3D01 6.49G 1.88vcore fullpot http://hwbot.org/submission/3084704_achill3us_3dmark2001_se_geforce_gtx_980_ti_187148_marks 3D05 6.42G 1.90vcore fullpot http://hwbot.org/submission/3108585_achill3us_3dmark05_geforce_gtx_980_ti_79538_marks HWBOTPrime 6.44G 1.88vcore fullpot http://hwbot.org/submission/3063425_achill3us_hwbot_prime_core_i7_6700k_7644.03_pps price is 450 EUR shipped. if you have any questions pls let me know. cheers, bala
  3. i think it was nothing bad about what my friend asked... in 4 cpuz tabs and 3840 12-12-28-1-200 is nothing to hide huh? its just about ppl would love to see the clocks what achieved the score, like with all other benchmarks. no one asked to tell anything more. i know its rule of the XTU, still a stupid one tho. congrats TheMadDutchDude huge effort in this result no doubt about that!
  4. payed shipped sold. thanks for space hwbot.
  5. damn boy, i would give my right arm for this back in 2007/2008 still a very nice deal, consider it as a free bump Aurel, good luck on sale!
  6. i had one kit of 3600C16 G.Skill 3933 12-12-12-28 1T 240trfc SPI 32M stable 1.85vdimm 4000 was no go in Gene only Impact but it was rather not 32M stable
  7. brace yourself i will bring some hungarian spirit as well btw Bruno just told me he could not make it, so we have 2 free space if anyone wants to join us.
  8. pending to Roger
  9. thanks for taking care of us old man^^
  10. wow so nice to see you Marc, put it under cascade pls
  11. bump 230 euro shipped within EU is the lowest price i can offer.
  12. 230 shipped
  13. 1.98v haha crazy nice one DJ! what mobo?
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