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Everything posted by Achill3uS

  1. wow, thanks for the heads-up PJ
  2. its not even cheap around us, for example: https://geizhals.at/gigabyte-ga-x99-soc-force-a1153645.html but like random said older x99 non OC socket boards are not good for us, and not really popular anymore. so not easy job to sell them. bump for u bro!
  3. yea, already digged it out, i hate so much slowmo screenshots
  4. what a gem mate, put it under ln2 pls!!! can you share batch?
  5. YGPM
  6. might be invalid score, details tab (fps) is hided, watch out mate!
  7. ah ok, so what is not mentioned - no limit cheers PJ!
  8. never mind, bug fixed meanwhile. but other question is still on. cheers!
  9. whats going on with the temerature bug in XTU? i use ENG language settings but still no show maximum cpu freq and temps. but anyway if subzero is allowed stage 1-2-3 make no sense to fix it? am i right? one more thing, do we have an uncore cap? 4G/4G only or results like 4G/4.5G are allowed? thanks!
  10. paid & shipped, thanks, closed!
  11. sry Daniel, this one is already sold, just handling the payment, shipping so on. but i might have another good kit (or close to this one), but needs to be tested. get back to you soon on pm.
  12. sheeet i lost my postits ah lets start over
  13. thanks bro, its already pending!
  14. hi guys, im selling my best psc kit, failed to make good score in gskill competition without any good 110+ bclk cpu, and im aiming on x99 system for now. hope somebody can still use it for some good SPI runs. if u feed more vdimm with a nice imc this is no doubt an 1400+ c6 kit. pic of the rams, HS removed, but glue still nice, can put back any time. results on air 1300c8 1.744v 32M on Asus board Win7 64 1333c8 1.79v XTU on GBT board Win7 64 (just made it an hour ago) on LN2 32M 1318 5-10-6 @ 2.0-2.05v no cb/cbb http://hwbot.org/submission/2800871_ item is located in EU, i can ship it worldwide, just need to ask for shipping. im asking 200 euros + shipping. cheers, bala
  15. guys, what could couse this error message? http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/6373618 hmm ok retest solved it. weird.
  16. every day same cinebench mistakes system should warn the users, that they are doing it wrong.
  17. sold could be closed thanks
  18. price drop to 275 euros shipped to EU!!!! come on someone should have a friend who need this
  19. Hi all, im selling a decent 4790K, malay batch L420B765, it is delidded, CLU under ihs and glued back with black epoxi. working fine, temps are nice 1.20v really bad aircooling only 80C under linx 0.6.5 avx 4.5G 1.15v linx stable 4.6G 1.20v also linx stable, did not try more but sure it can do. previous user did 5G+ cinebench on watercooling. but it is known not good ln2 clocker batch. thats why im selling it for cheap. 290 euros shipped within EU
  20. guys can u recommend any good 5930K FPO? usually i prefer malay chips, what about these? not much good results with retail on hwbot list
  21. think to this comp like a 10 stage lucky draw, get used to it and move on
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