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Everything posted by Achill3uS

  1. wow it seems direct die working very well on ln2. great score Charles!
  2. all aircooled 6700K L525B711 VID 1.296v boot at 5G 1.48v reject 6700K L525B504 VID 1.31v boot at 5G not possible at 1.50v reject 2x 6700K L519C193 VID 1.37v #1 boot at 5G 1.50v and 32M stable reject #2 cannot boot 4.9G 1.50v reject 6700K L525B538 VID 1.37v boot 5G at 1.45v, 0.02v higher 32M stable LN2 -145C 1.50v 5.2G XTU after delid LN2 -145C 1.82v 6.0G XTU my best chip so far, uncore goes also skyhigh
  3. thanks XA, eff was not the best on this run, but at least TIM refresh gain me 70mhz on core
  4. very nice effort i guess not a big surprise anymore Grizzly is the best TIM on the market!
  5. i started with that, XOC enable did not worked for me still need to figure out exactly what couse this, but did anyone experience similar issue/bug?
  6. hey guys, i experienced something weird with latest 1.73 cpuz when trying to save validation files even with Gigabyte or Asus mobos. i was benching 6700k on ln2, and above ~5.5G when i press F7 or the validate button from cpuz tab (extreme oc feature on or off doesnt change about that) got immediately blackscreen and system restart. i guess this new cpuz generates bigger cpuz load during validation process like older versions. anyway since you cannot validate with older cpuz versions anymore you have to modify cpuz.ini file. here are my settings below what i used to take valids succesfully cpu and mobo tab activated only. [CPU-Z] VERSION= TextFontName= TextFontSize=14 TextFontColor=000080 LabelFontName= LabelFontSize=14 ACPI=1 PCI=0 MaxPCIBus=256 DMI=1 Sensor=0 SMBus=0 Display=0 UseDisplayAPI=0 BusClock=0 Chipset=0 SPD=0 XOC=1 CheckUpdates=0 after this, i was able to succesfully save and upload valids up to 6.4G+ anyway, i know its nothing new here but i've lost about an hour+ to figure this out while benching. hope it helps anyone who is chasing max clock. cheers, bala
  7. cheers bro, will do! on the gigabyte G1 board, you have much easier job you have like 3-4 settings at all what you can raise. with loan cpu i reached ~6.5G 1.80v! it was L526 something, going to look for that batch.
  8. price drop to 260EUR shipped within EU
  9. oh yess, SOC Force killing it
  10. price drop to 280EUR shipped within EU
  11. 16GB DDR4-3200 Apacer Blade Overclocking kit for sale technical info http://eu.apacer.com/products/specification/DDR4-Dual-Channel-BLADE-DDR4-3200 3000c12 tight subs XTU and 32M stable at 1.60v (tested them single ch as well, only one stick cannot do 12-12-14-14 but the 3 others passed 32M as well, not outstanding but i think fair for a retail kit) some hwbot results http://hwbot.org/submission/2896776_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2902128_ excellent condition, never seen ln2 300 Euro shipped within EU cheers, bala
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