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Everything posted by Achill3uS

  1. got the payment, package ready for shipping, will hit u with the tracking! thank you. you can close it soon
  2. yea, thats clear story by now Mike, but is it possible if someone addicted so much, generates all the scores between 310-340, and submitting all first. he is going to win at the end? - i mean it would be well deserved for sure but still crazy idea
  3. got it. thanks for clearance PJ! ok guys lets move away from this 339 mark
  4. switching to english language solved also for me the temp issue with uploading the xtu file. thanks for the tip Mike. but the rules still confusing me sorry. so you have to reach an exact target score which is secret until you dont hit it, so basically we just blind shooting the scores within the range and hope you will hit the bulls eye? what is the tweak in that?
  5. cool mate, lets continue on PM
  6. last drop to 100 euro! if no one takes it, i keep it.
  7. nope, but trust me Andrea its a bad cpu for benching. 6.2 valid was the max i recommend this for non-benching user. wondering why i try to sell it here
  8. Wish you all the best in the future Petri! It was nice to meet you back in 2008/2009, you made a huge impact on the community with your work, dont disappear without a trace Sometimes we all quit for a while, but let me quote from The Legend: "Overclock till death. Overclocking is life." Hipro5 Cheers, Bala
  9. last bump, 300 euro shipped within EU for the 4790k!
  10. thanks Bullant, i was aiming for ddr3 max freq with hynix modules, no PSC this time. but it seems ive got stuck with my IMC at around ~2050mhz with all bios i tried yesterday...
  11. thanks a lot, dinos was quicker, already rocking it cheers, bala
  12. guys, someone can help me out with a bios for the SOC-Force LN2 board, that can give 2.10v+ for vdimm and the gigabyte launcher oc tool is supported? with X02 bios, it does not work, and F bioses are vdimm limited by 2.10v. ive seen couple guys running SOC-Force X04 on LN2 board, but if i try to flash it with qflash or efiflash ive got bios id mismatch error. any clue about to solve it? thanks
  13. thank you Sam, i tested a couple AFR, BFR, EFR oems single and double sided as well, none of them can touch single sided CFR
  14. Ok PSC sold separately so only left the CPU. asking 320 euros shipped within EU.
  15. hey guys, i would like to sell some of my hw what i dont need in the future. i7 4790K BOX, not the best chip of my life, but maybe good for a daily rig, 1.056vid, vietnam batch: X437B366, just bought it 2 days ago, no delidded on air: 4.5G cinebench stable about 1.12v, 5G 32M needs about 1.35v+ 4/8 on W7 not pushed more on ln2: 5.5G XTU 1.50v no problem, 5.8G cinebench about 1.60v, 5.9G no go, cbb -128C http://hwbot.org/submission/2767258_ the PSC kit is a rare F3-16000CL9D-4GBFLS, actually a really nice kit, never removed the HS, never seen cold, just bought it couple weeks ago here. can do 2600 8-12-8-28-1T trfc88, trdrd4 cinebench and XTU on M7G 1.90vdimm http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=126402 im asking 400 euro shipped within EU for the 2 item. payment via paypal, outside EU pls ask for shipping cost, maybe its affordable bcoz i use fedex express shipping! thanks, regards, bala
  16. cpu is crap crap cap -128 cbb cb dunno 5.5G XTU 1.50v -110C which is nice, but above that almost nothing... 5.9G cinebench no go even with 1.75v max valid 6.1, 6.2G BSOD even with 4/4 tooo bad, it looked promosing... damn i miss my L310B 4770k
  17. did u try subzero mate?
  18. got a new cpu from the same vendor like subaruwrc, but this one is much worse on air... X437B366 4790K VID 1.056 needs 1.35v+ for 5G SPI 32M 4/8 will see about the cold later this week...
  19. drop to 110 EUR shipped
  20. amazing chip bro, push it! 1.55vcore is such a joke
  21. nice find bro, amazing scale! i might get one too
  22. there are "many" 4790k can do even below 1.25v 5ghz 32M, but most of them doesnt scale on cold. this is a great cpu im sure, and the seller is 100% correct we just had a business couple weeks ago, absolutely recommended!
  23. ouch, this will go sky high i bet
  24. thanks man! definately a gem of gems nice find Daniel!
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