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Everything posted by Wizerty

  1. Did you tried reverse Vmod for mem ? If I remember well, on 8800 serie (not for samsung chip) you can make a Vmod to decrease the voltage, the chip didn't like overvoltage, and you can go highter with less voltage...
  2. Ok, it's a good reason indeed . For the mem, I know that he tried a lot of thing to improve frequency, Vmod, capmod, heatsink... but no-way Probably a bad chip or a really bad VRM
  3. Impressive GPU clock Did you try to run 05 with xp or vista ? Vista is better for 05, and with this VGA I saw a lot of great score with XP... so, If your VGA is still alive, you can try. And I know you are cooling limited with the CPU, so keep only 2 cores, you could run highter.Impressive GPU clock
  4. I can't open... like many other guy with a CF. With one card OK, with two ok at windows startup, but after bench it will freeze directly the whole system . All you need is in the validation link
  5. Nice, well done, and great efficiency
  6. For cp point.... it's sptupid, I know, but look at Aris profil, he have more than 80 cp. You can lost hardware point, you can lost global WR point, but if I understand well you can't lost CP point. With this kind of calculation, a noob can beat you in ranking, just with CP point. I don't say that for Aris, it's a great clocker, for sure. but 6 CP / month -> 72pt/years, and this Country cup you can take 36pt in a month, so 100pt/years.... Give point just cause you make a submition....it's just unfair.
  7. "(so 8350 is worse than 8150 @ spi at least. @ ~7890 i have 10.7xx" I don't know how it's possible, but it's look like . AMD superpi efficiency : Fx8350 @8Ghz = Fx8150 @7.7 = Phenom II @6Ghz ... weird or creepy ?
  8. Tu as oublié de mettre le fond d'écran pour la country cup... de toute façon en france personne ne l'a fait, mais si tu veux vraiement participer alors il faut refaire ta soumission avec le screen, ou alors retire ta participation, sans ça on va encore se faire xxxxxxxxx. Sinon t'es serieux ? Un spi 1M sur 1 barrette pourquoi pas, mais avec la ram à 600cas10, et le NB à 2.3ghz ? La ça pique un peu, le NB dois prendre quasi 4G, et sur Fx la ram passera les 1300en c10. Pour ton CPU, utilise Pscheck pour clocker les autres core, tu monteras bcq, bcq plus haut.
  9. Nice . Need to wait the deep freeze outside, it's too warm this week for winter cooling.
  10. I know, I know ... Can't force @x16 cause I used a 8x slot. I can't plug the CG in the first slot, I need more space. I make a lot of test with the second slot (x16 PLX), but it's worst, really worst, so finaly, I used the third slot, made this screen, and after, I run out of nitrogen. But next time, I will use the first PCI, I just need to find how
  11. Don't worry, It's just a warm up, I refilled 45l of nitrogen this morning, so next week I will do other bench, and aqua @1240, and without PLX this time. I will add some picture if I make better score, efficiency is very bad here with plx.
  12. As you now, lot of trouble with my 7970Dcu.... need to buy a 7970L and go for 540k
  13. Same problem for me 2weeks ago, and no soltuion... I was thinking at on OS issue, but looking at this thread it seems that's is a wrapper trouble. Without wrapper ( wrapper install but launch aqua.exe manualy) everything works. This wrapper is a shame, need to install a lot of componement (fw3.5-4.0 ...), and cause a lot of issue
  14. Yeah, winter cooling FTW, moreover, @-6°C, if you stop benching your dead.... so keep pushing to keep water warm dude
  15. I think you forgot to make your screen shoot at the right time. I understand you don't want to restard 32M again, it's long, very long...
  16. Wrong mb, maximus is for intel, crosshair for AMD...
  17. Même pas une pensé pour moi ? Petit c** . bon je vais ressortir le 8150 pour te battre, ça sera plus simple
  18. It's a little bit strange, sometime volt help a lot, sometime no... For 3d I have a lot off issue with my OS and with my gtx580 so it's hard to say, but i'm sur I can passe 3dm01 with 4c activate at more than 6800. Now need to fix my OS and find why all test pass without trouble, but freeze after, just before the result. For example, stand alone aqua.exe work, but no result with the wrapper, just a black screen at the end, after the explosion, or with 3dm05, CPU test is ok, but benchmark freeze betwen test
  19. I need an authorization to show you these picture.
  20. 3218c043 7000Ghz+ 1c/1t 6500 wprime 1024 4c/8t for less than 1.8v Screen after more than 3hours under cold... Can probably push highter with "hot" mobo&VRM. http://hwbot.org/submission/2333021_wizerty_cpu_frequency_core_i7_3770k_7022.39_mhz?recalculate=true
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