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Everything posted by Wizerty

  1. Thk. just_nuke_em : I still have only 4 liters, I hope it will be enough to beat you, so keep a tight ass, i will be back soon
  2. whoooo, you're so strong, you win a big kiss Radi. Congrats ;
  3. Congrats bro. Next step, less than 5.25
  4. Both core at full speed ? OR you raise up only the 2nd ?
  5. " Procedure: set multiplier via BIOS, boot win around 215-221fsb then increase clock with AISUITE and wish for luck hehehe! " really ? No pscheck ? and both core @8.6 ? Hmmm it look like a bug
  6. Bammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!!!!!!!!! AMAZING. Stock board ? or you made some modification ?
  7. Nice . Black and red is over ? Now it's time for black and yellow ( Z77 OC formul, HD 7970 Lightning ..)
  8. Sur 1c oui, sur 2core on a pas rèussi, mais comme il y avait pas beaucoup de LN2.... Avec rog connect on doit pouvoir taper plus haut, la c'est les menus qui sont trop dur
  9. 6 CPU : 1 6780Mhz 2 6730Mhz 3 6500+ 4 6400+ 5 6200+ 6 Not tested yet
  10. Very good job Bro !!! I Think Your new PSU makes all the difference
  11. Vgpu @1.55 / Vmem @1.75 / Phil's OCP mod. The best T° is -120 for my VGA. More info here : http://www.jmax-hardware.com/forum/index.php/topic,7502.0.html
  12. 6euros / l with my own dewars ( + 1h30 driving ( 15euros) ) or 2euros / l with my own dewars ( + 4h driving ( 60euros) + 40euros for highway ) Thank you very much, this is a very good idea
  13. +1 You just have to stop rendering @1% in each frame and hoooo I've 100000FPS in 3dm11.. If the rendering is stop before the end it's not a frame
  14. OMG, 6051MHz..... pls push "f7" in CPU-Z
  15. +100000 @all Just keep in mind that many people work, and dont have time to rebench all vga. Moreover when a VGA is bench, I have to sold it to buy a new one... I dont have illimited cash It not fair to introduced a news software who clear all the past submission. If MVP have to use IGP to work, Hwbot have to make a special categorie, if they don't do that what's happens if I OC a VGA in a motherborad without IGP ?? Am I allowed to do use an other VGA just to track down redundant frames ? If I use an other VGA instead of IGP to track down redundant frames, the result was better ? Yes, good idea, or just allows MVP with cards launched after this technology was officially released In many 3D benchmark we already are CPU limited, if you give a 400% VGA boost, it was no longer 3D benchmark, and the winner will be the one whitch have the biggest CPU ... money money money For me it's look like physX... very powerful, but giving a boost that does not show the real power of the card. So I vote against, or you have to restrict MVP use on the upcoming bench/VGA. Sorry for me poor english.... try to do my best
  16. Make some run @1220 but score dont scale...
  17. Damned, you fail the second place for only 0.001s.... looking forward to your amazing wp1024
  18. Amazing session under LN2. So much fun... I Try to make new zombi for mem and we do it again.
  19. Lucky man. If your old 2600k take too much space.... I already buy twenty 2600k and only find one 5.8. Moreover he is very hard to stabilize. I Wait for ivy now
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