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Everything posted by Strat

  1. Full air, I missed 32m http://hwbot.org/submission/3044147_
  2. Then Bullant also, and Hideo, and Der8aeur for his 61k 3DM06 and MANY MANY MANY others. I think this rule need a clarification.
  3. When I say that the Impact is a true monster on mem, it is not sponsored bunnyextraction :D So far, no lucky crack-free session with the Impact so the CPU is not maxed out. But I reached 6.1 XTU at -165° 1.8v wich is exactly similar to what it does on Gene and Extreme.
  4. Yes 1,9v for everything. My mems don't like more.
  5. Let me clarify... 4 dimm is better on ASRock, MSI and Asus but only on air. Go with 2 dimm on LN2 and you will see by yourself
  6. 1950/2000 max with same timings on M8G and M8E
  7. First 2000+ with Samsung chip strong benching mate
  8. Yes I do agree, no need for quad at all, the key is in the timings.
  9. Ready for some next level numbers?
  10. Very strong benching mate... As we should all know, the chip does not max out by itself
  11. Thanks for the kinds words guys!
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