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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. Dude it's in the video. Unless I found a way to slow down the way I talk and act in real time, this run really took 53 seconds It the actual speed of the processor which is affected. This is not a bug in the bench, clearly. It's simply a case of the later AGESA running OpenCL workloads much slower.
  2. Same for me. v3.2 regular ran fine, v3.3 only legacy worked.
  3. I really didn't do anything special but one general comment would be that this is an old platform so things like board, BIOS, process priority etc. can make a huge difference. I streamed my run (it's around the 1 hr 14 mins mark): ... feel free to look for magic tricks in there - spoiler: there are none I don't have another chip or board right now so there's not much else I can check on my side.
  4. Dude not even your motherboard tab in CPU-Z is fully on the screen - plz rebench
  5. @vinibali Do you still have this BIOS by any chance? The forum migration removed the attachment
  6. Haven't seen a Willamette result in a long time! 45 chips doesn't sound so bad ;)
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