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Everything posted by I.M.O.G.

  1. Borandi, can you share some pages of yours where you are using the api in their rendering? I'm interested in seeing working examples of what could be done with the API.
  2. 5 second query is a long lock, especially if you don't have row level locking, and would likely disable the site intermittently for more users than it helps. A 1 minute query would almost certainly handicap the site. Depends partially if you are on myisam tables or innodb or something, assuming you are on mysql. Table locking is a common issue with vbulletin on big boards, because myisam is the default there for all tables, and it doesn't support row level locking - in a typical vbulletin setup, long search queries can create a backlog where updates can't be performed on a table, and everyone is hanging until the lock clears and the backlog can be caught up. So to make it happen, you'd probably be looking at changing the table layout for where the team library is stored in the DB. Alternatively, you'd be looking at setting up a slave DB instance, where only the team table is stored then just letting it lock to all hell on long queries. It wouldn't be the most useful this way, but it could be easier and it would ensure other site functions aren't handicapped. The third option I guess would be what devroush alluded to, and its probably the best option though more complicated because it means actually addressing the core problem - handling the library in a more graceful manner, with some sort of improved data model which doesn't depend on massively ugly queries to make it work. The current method for user libraries makes sense - it just works, and only in exceptional cases does the query run long. But it sounds like it doesn't translate to team libraries where exceptionally long queries would be the norm. Regardless, I'm glad it isn't my problem... I agree with Vinster - I would love to see this revisited and figured out.
  3. So PJ's been on holiday for a couple days now, and hwbot hasn't reduced itself to a smoldering pile of slime yet... This seemed unusual which lead me to stop and think for a moment. HWBot has actually been running a lot nicer for quite some time, at least from over here in the US. In the past, downtimes and slowness were far more of an ever present issue, but for a while now it seems like things have been a lot snappier than previously. Just thought I'd share that. And if I'm lucky, I can jinx things and it will break while he's away. It's tradition. (quick, everybody trigger a manual recalc)
  4. I always wondered if HWBot ever pursued agreements with game companies. Lot's of games have built in benchmarks, and it would seem this would be one of the easier ways to diversify away from being as Futuremark-centric. I don't know if HWBot could barter that kind of deal, but if the game benchmarks could be released in hwbot versions without buying the full game license, that'd make them viable candidates for us.
  5. Finland!?! I thought you were from TadžikistaN! So 450L would cost you 1760€. Snag a plane ticket and pay me a visit, I'll provide the 450L of LN2 free, and throw in a free tour of rural 'Murica.
  6. Props Genie! Thank you!
  7. One is 31.4, the other is 31.04 Bruce.
  8. Happy birthday dude!
  9. Your main problem could be transportation - these things are big enough and heavy enough a truck is the only mode of transport. If you have someone with a truck to get you back and forth to airgas, you'd be alright. So total cost is: $? - vehicle to transport tank to airgas and back $XX-XXX - Hand truck/dolly rated for 500LB (preferably with wheel assist to bear the weight, so you only control speed going down the ramp) $XX - cost in wood and hardware to build ramp $XXX - cost of tank That said, I think I've unloaded them both to team mates (pending payment), which I didn't expect to happen as quickly as it did. Apparently, 150L (I was wrong about 160L) for $170 is an attractive deal. I made no money on them. For non-team members I was looking for $400 however, which is still a very difficult price to find... If you have to ship these things, its $200-400 in freight costs as well because of weight/dimensions. I almost sold to Loud Silence, who I worked out a better price for, however these dewars are ugly gray things with a little rust and not the shiny stainless steel blingy looking ones so he lost interest. So anyways, this issue is probably moot at the moment. However I'm keeping an eye out for more - I've gotten 3 of the exact same model in the past year, for a total cost of $400, and $70 in gas to pick them up. I imagine there are likely more to come onto the market, and if there are, they'll be posted at OCF again for team prices as well as here for public prices. As far as holding, I like to use the LN2 within a month. In a month, you may lose a quarter tank if you do nothing but let it sit - they hold really well, but burn off is inevitable.
  10. Lol that's kinda what I was thinking. By the time I get around the cold bug on ivy and get to full pot I am typically 6 liters in already on the f1ee.
  11. Overclockers has always kept negotiations to PM. Price and particulars are best worked out personally. If negotiations are open, and one user sees another griefing over the price, it complicates matters for the seller. If one person griefs about the price in PM, someone else may come along and just offer asking price. That is cool. Open price negotiations in thread encourage thread crapping and piling on, often by people who aren't even personally interested in purchasing.. If the price is bad, tell the seller via PM. Someone else may be fine with the price.
  12. Editing first post is needed to mark items sold, keeping sales organized. With geniebens additions, that draft covers all the most important rules from OCF and a few additions like country tags which would be important here. Stating payment terms in rules is important as well. If someone commits to buy, payment must be made within 24 hours unless arrangements are made with seller. Otherwise, slow payments or nonpayments can stop a seller from finding other buyers. Also gives a window of time for someone to make payment and be guaranteed that they get the item, not another buyer. Users should also have the ability to move their own threads in these sections. Once all items are sold, they can move their own threads to the sold section, keeping the for sale forum clean and making less work for mods.
  13. Ahh gotcha.
  14. Heatware. 3rd party service that has been around since 1999, and started with enthusiasts.
  15. What the hell can you do with 12L?
  16. I haven't seen this happen before. An old result of mine was 5th, then today it changed to 6th... But when viewing the hardware ranking, it is still 5th. What is up with that? http://hwbot.org/submission/2309486_i.m.o.g._aquamark_radeon_hd_4870_444283_marks EDIT: Nevermind, looks like a recalc fixed it.
  17. Basically what I did. Played up the geek part of things, and that it was for non-commercial use.
  18. Thanks for the info. I would be happy to advise on how to manage the fs section here, but couldn't contribute to ongoing maintenance. I would suggest completely at your own risk rules, and requiring sale threads at "home forums"... Home forums would have and enforce their own rules, and enforce them, lowering the burden on hwbot. Would be great, especially for items like this with an extremely limited market.
  19. So tonight I accidentally bought a couple 160L dewars. I already have a 150, so extra aren't really needed. Was there ever a decision made about if we are allowed, and how we should go about notifying other hwbot members about equipment we have for sale?
  20. Props Genie for getting this done. Nice improvement.
  21. I feel securing benches to be less important than other things actually. The cheats are exceptional cases, and there are a decent amount of people around here who I know, and who have reputations within their respective communities... That is the best security as its an effective technique for the vast majority of people. Checksums and wrappers do lend good confidence when you don't know the other people you are competing against though, so its good to see things progressing in that direction. As far as improving the hwbot platform the most important item is figuring out how to effectively add and eliminate benchmarks. Eliminate the broken ones. Bring some new ones. As we eliminate benches, anything that can't be competed in should no longer be worth points. Safe points go against the spirit of competition, that drives us to bench and rebench as we are beaten. Competition points should be addressed in that vane also - they are "safe" points I think, not ever expiring. In order for anything to be valued, it must be possible to lose it. Experiencing loss makes us feel value for what we lost, and experiencing gain makes us feel rewarded. I just got a gold cup last night that boosted my points a bit and it felt good. Especially after last week when I lost a bunch of other cups and dropped points I had just earned in another bench. The loss and gain of boints (and overall rankings) is what makes the whole thing tick. It's what hwbot has that no other benchmark platform does.
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