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Everything posted by I.M.O.G.

  1. In data mining for the most valuable GPUs for hardware points, I came across something that surprised me. Coming in last among all teams yields pretty good HTPP - I thought it would yield nearly zero. The most valuable GPU for 3DM05 HTPP is the 8800 GT 512MB: http://url.hwbot.org/YR42Zs That didn't seem surprising. However the worst submission for the 8800 GT 512MB is worth 7.9HTPP. That is the lowest team high score ever submitted to hwbot for 3DM05 on the 8800 GT 512MB (ranked 165th out of 165 team submissions), and its worth 8 HTPP. Compare that to the 82nd out of 165, and that's worth 13.8 points. Only 6 extra points for beating half the team submissions, compared to the team who submitted the worst score on record. Same thing with Radeon 4870 in 3D06. 7.4 HTPP for 183 out of 183 teams. Compare that to an obscure card, and for being best out of 6 team submissions, 1st place gets you 6.1HTPP. Bottom line: Shouldn't the HTPP range start at 0 or something? The rankings are supposed to kind of reflect level of difficulty... And it might be kind of hard to come in last out of hundreds of submissions, I don't think this is what was intended.
  2. This is stupid, but why am I missing a point? My points earned is 1 point lower than my total points. They used to be equal in the past. I don't need the point really, I'll get other ones. But wondering where it went has been bugging me. http://hwbot.org/user/i.m.o.g./
  3. New benches typically take some time before they start awarding points. Some benches are never awarded points. HWBot is working on improving how that decision is made, and who makes it. The link mikecdm provided is what I started out using, to be sure I spent my time where it would be rewarded. I would say its pretty likely that Firestrike will get points awarded, because it is the most popular of the new benches. It could be a long time however, so in the mean time if you focus where there is the most competition, you'll be sure to get rewarded for the scores.
  4. Hey, I'm just trying to catch up! Every time I find myself near the top of the hardware rankings, there you are. Just checked, and you have 36 hardware submissions worth at least 29 points. I will be happy if I can just get 20 subs worth that much!
  5. Also, the rankings for the xoc are including the professionals now. Not sure if that is intended. I went from 3rd to 6th in the US... Kingpin, splave, and gunslinger from pro of are ranked above me now.
  6. With the new mobile site implementation, there is a red banner at the top which says "switch to mobile site". When clicked, that should use a relative URL, not absolute. A relative URL when clicked will return you to the same page you were on before you clicked it... Currently, when I switch to mobile it returns me to the homepage instead of the same page I was on before. Not a big deal, but an annoyance.
  7. Nice score, good job especially on Canyon Flight (Kintaro is the only one who can play ball with that canyon flight score on this card, thats tough). Looks like this card is voltmodded? I may need to try that, I can't begin to touch those GPU clocks!
  8. Seconded. Working great here, and I love skipping the aqua mark interfaces. They were slooow.
  9. That is what I was saying in my head, though it might not have came across correctly.
  10. That's the comment field, if you view a team or user page, then click the comment link beneath their submission. I don't remember that input field being so tiny.
  11. "The update" meaning the Rev 5 changes, or just this points adjustment in this thread?
  12. I don't think your delineation has a consistent logical theme. Kind of seems like a bit of personal opinion about what is OK and what isnt. Closet cleaning sales can be good to pick up cheap stuff like cables. For ES, doesn't matter if its new or old... It is still owned by the manufacturer, so it probably wouldn't be good to allow people to sell things they don't own.
  13. Thats just it... Uncertainty breeds inaction. If titan doesn't crush it, haswell is only a few months away. We'll know what titan does on cold within a week or two... Might as well see where the bar is set? Personally, I bought one 7970 and killed it before it got benched. I will go back in at the high end, but I'm waiting to see Titan and until I've got a decent haswell chip. At this point its just not worth investing in scores for hardware I don't already have, until the new stuff drops and everything gets more exciting. Just my perspective on global boints currently. Anything put up now may not stand up well in just a couple weeks. And in a few months, haswell drops and globals will almost definitely be all up for grabs again. I'm doing hardware points to keep me busy in the meantime.
  14. Agreed. I know I have started taking it easier on my old GPUs that still have promise. I want to rerun them on haswell. I'm also looking g forward to titan, though that's in a price bracket I don't play in much... But if I was competing for global 3D points, I would out things on pause until I see what Titan brings. No use toasting a cherry 7970 to put up a global WR if next week Titan will spank it.
  15. I had just taken 3rd and bumped to 4th, gah! Good job!
  16. On our member pages, when we click the points tab, there used to be a points graph. Going a bit further back, this graph was displayed somewhere else on our user pages I think. It was a more basic graph than the current team points graph.
  17. This is stupid. But 2 annoyances. One bigger than the other, both minor. The little one: If you go to one of your results, and press "Recalculate Rankings" in the right side bar it will say "Recalcating..." It should read "Recalculating...". And the bigger one: On the team member page, it lists who the top contributor is near the top: http://hwbot.org/team/overclockers.com/#Members This is listing User Points, when it should list total team point contribution for that member. Team contribition is listed in the table just below under "Team Contributions". For example, you can see Woomack has 2770.1 User Points, but his actual contribution to the team is 3467.51 points (TPP + UP/10). This listing has been incorrect since we moved to Rev4. I've mentioned it before, but it was never corrected to display the right value. My team and Woomack is just an example. It is actually wrong for every team page.
  18. Does it actually have to be live-live? Does a livestream session count if it meets the viewer requirements? I logged over 21 viewer hours tonight, and had several hundred viewers over a 4 hour session.
  19. Usually 0x7b occurs when booting XP and sata is set to AHCI instead of IDE.
  20. Thanks. I've always had pretty efficient wprimes, but especially on Ivy for whatever reason. Similar to splaves and topdogs, though not as eff.
  21. I hope this is still moving forward. :-) What about dishwashers? I just used one to fix cold bug issues on my mobo.
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