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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. btw, all ranking checked for 3D WR points for who did not ask here. 31/.1/2012 13:41
  2. Yeah, try try try try and try, I failed during 2 days long, and yesterday (3rd day I was working on it) I managed to find the right bios combo settings + the righ sequence to boot up - reset - boot up - reset - boot up... http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=29770 It was really a pain, but at the end I did it, you need luck and lots of try/fail. Today will go pick up 3L of LN2 and will try to improve the result. Hope will be lucky again. Clue: Try different graphics cards
  3. strange that sumon has been banned then and not chiller
  4. okay, spent two whole days to figure out how to do more than 162 MHz ref clock on air and more than 170 MHz under cold. No way
  5. will try to fix EDIT: fixed, if you have other submissions that are bugged, please link here and I will give a shot I also fixed this one: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2246676_
  6. Hi, is this a Celeron or a Pentium wrongly recognized due to high Overclocking ?
  7. BIOS F5, F6 and F7 for UD4H http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3927#bios
  8. I spent some time policing the wprime rankings time ago, four or five times, but people always submite new ones and we dont browse those rankings all day long to clean incorrect submissions. The best is report them all like I was doing before I was a moderator. But I will do a clean party this week end just for you
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