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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. OP reserved for moderation updates Submissions Check: 01.12.15 - 23:12 (GMT+1) TOP20 13.12.15 - 18:09 (GMT+1) TOP10 Screenshot Examples: Stage 2 (Realbench) [04.11.15] Stage 3 (HWBOT x265 1080P) [04.11.15] Must use official competition background: link [04.11.15] Stage 1 (XTU), screenshot is optional [04.11.15] Hardware Limitations: Must use a motherboard manufactured by ASUS [04.11.15] ASUS' ROG Maximus VIII Ranger, Hero, Gene, Impact and Extreme allowed [06.11.15] You can use different setups/components [15.11.15] Only use one GPU for Realbench [15.11.15] Temperature Limitations: HWMonitor must be started before starting the benchmark! [04.11.15] In HWMonitor both CPU Temperatures and Utilizations must be visible in screenshot (see Screenshot Examples) [04.11.15] Stage 1 (XTU), the CPU load temperature must be higher than 20°C [04.11.15] Stage 2 (Realbench), the CPU "Min" temperatures (Core) must be higher or equal to 20°C (in HWMonitor) [04.11.15] Stage 3 (HWBOT x265 1080P), the CPU "Min" temperatures (Core) must be higher or equal to 20°C (in HWMonitor) [04.11.15] Operating System Limitations: Stage 1 (XTU): No limitation [04.11.15] Stage 2 (Realbench), Windows 8/10 based OS allowed only in combination with Skylake platform and systems without bus clocking abilities [04.11.15] Stage 3 (HWBOT x265 1080P), No limitation (HPET must be active in Windows 8/10 based OS) [04.11.15] Moderation decisions: 3055012 (Problem: Wrong system picture) Checked (Reason: System picture was submitted in another submission 3055007) 3054986 (Problem: Wrong system picture) Removed (Reason: Other system pictures also don't match) 3054977 Checked (Video provided) 3054962 (Video asked) Removed (User is on vacation, can't make a video right now. Asked to have the score removed since it doesn't change anything now that he has no submission for stage 2)
  2. General rules were updated, go to: 1.6 – WINDOWS 8 RESTRICTIONS http://hwbot.org/article/general_rules But not individual benchmark rules. We will do it asap.
  3. No, it's not the BIOS, it's because of your CPU. OP updated. CPU-Z version v1.74 allowed only in combination with an i3 Skylake CPU [02.11.15]
  4. I see what you mean but unfortunately it is not allowed to deliberately hide this information in the screenshot.
  5. Correct, user contacted
  6. Update to OP: Screenshot: For XTU, CPU Frequency and Cache Frequency Monitoring during benchmark [15.10.15] If the default 5mins is too short, make it 10 or 15.
  7. Use the same driver I used PS: If you beat me, I will ban you
  8. The reason is in the email notification that was sent to you: "Cache frequency monitoring must be enabled in XTU"
  9. No, it's not: "CPU-Z version must be v1.73" Added to OP
  10. OP updated with when the submissions have been checked. So far I have removed 22 submissions. Check your emails to see why.
  11. OP updated with when the submissions have been checked.
  12. This one is on me. I haven't thought about it and what Splave suggested makes sense.
  13. Makes sense. Will update the rules. Will be fixed tomorrow.
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