This happens with some users and until it is fixed here is a workaround:
When does this happen? When browsing submissions from the hardware library, example:
When you click "69" it links to link
It says "No submissions found." when there should be 69 submissions.
What you need to do is edit the url from "username=pilu[...]" to "user=pilu[...]" or, if you know your userId, "userId=99287[...]" (Easiest way to find your userId is to go to the "My Account" page or your forum profile page and look up the name of your signature image
With "user"
With "userId"
Now if when you click the arrow to go on the next page, the page becomes empty and/or you see other people's results, add "limit" parameter to the url:
Result with &limit=100:
With "user"
With "userId"