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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Yeah, I know, But what I was meaning is : LGA1366 is tri-channel LGA775 is dual-channel Socket 370 is single-channel So the limitation is ''single channel'' or ''single stick'' ?
  2. For stage 3, less is the score less are the points. Should be less is the score more are the points ?
  3. Does ''single channel memory only'' mean ''use only one stick'' or ''use a single channel memory architecture'' ?
  4. This one is for me. I already have a P0 for 3DMark Vantage. Who's got a DX11 card for me ?
  5. How did you solve the problems then ? I still have some probleme to launch Unigine, even if it's not on GMA HD 3000
  6. I know that some of you came here because XXX was in the title -.- nc... My suggestion is, can hwbot has like /hardware/chipset/xxx (which is a really nice feature btw) a /hardware/socket/xxx ? With the same table-like to compare all motherboards/chipset most used/awarded by socket. Maybe it's already planned for rev 4. I have a blackout. PS : My english looks really weird at 00:30 AM
  7. Screenshot is now clearly mandatory since 11/2010 (If I am not wrong with the mounth)
  8. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=12055&highlight=1000+gold
  9. If you check both links, there is one with world records and 18 comments(discuss) and the other one with 0 comments and no record
  10. So is it possible to delete one of both ? The one that has not 18 comments
  11. Damn Sam you are faster than me, it's going to be 2 days that I am checking Turrican's profile every 10 mins to see when it was going to happen. Thumb up Karl
  12. Yeah the background yes, but why the 2500k/2600K F***** I was going to submite my Cyrix 6y86MX cpuz validation on a GA-5AX (Gigabyte board of course) -.- I haven't got any 2x00k
  13. On the pic of the cpu it's really a P®120+ (6x86 and M1 Core) But in this case why on the screenshot it's a 6x86MX ? with a M2 core ? With mine I haven't got any recognition problems with testCPU
  14. Yeah, I have all 486 cpus but my 486 motherboard is unusable, it's a compaq that need the original HDD and I haven't got it, and the PS/2 keyboard port is dead too.
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