Remember, there is nothing against the fact that she is 12 years old, his daughter, living in the same house, have different but same hardware.
The fact is that was going to be a bit suspicious for other members, it was to prevent that.
This thread goes in all wrong directions
little update
Maybe the idea having 2 different account but merged for the team points,
Doing so, they will have their own account, own points, but for team total it's going to be a merge of scores and only best results will count for team total.
If it's just the team points problem
Or wait for rev4
Yeah it's quite funny, I have a lot of sheets with all batch written with all their max freq, bootable freq, stepping, and scores for the best ones....
I do that for vga, cpu, motherboard, memory....
Can't wait for the SS, I will have twice your freq
11 Pentium 1 75 Mhz
8 really shitty chips(boot only at 50x1.5 -.-
2 ES that aren't so bad : 83x1.5
and one FTW chip : 100x1.5(95x1.5 boot windows).
I wish under SS I will take it to the MAXXXXXX
Yeah, but remember here they are in the same family, that means it can be some confusion regarding other non-team members to this team(as there are benching same hardware, maybe having close results(Even if now we know that there are two different rig/hardware), and not far away as they are daughter and father)
I thought the issue was closed