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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. atm I have : s370: CUSL2-C CUV4X OPLX-M DeskPro-EX06C4h Optiplex GX150 (038HRF) - - - x2 P6BAP-ME Vectra VL400 - - - x2 MS-6309 Slot1: AB-BH6 P2B P2B-D - - - x4 P3V4X M6TZF P2XBL GA-BX2000 Slot1/370: M6TWG P6BAT-A+
  2. where did you find 7 ACard ? or IRam I don't know which they are btw nice result EDIT: thx Don_Dan
  3. hihi thx slngsht anyway I found that the C3 won't do 3D and the PIII yes on the CUV4X And yeah I know for setfsb but it's not a valid proof for the memory clock ranking. So I will check if I can kill them all using 1:1 EDIT: Damn cpu/cooling limited atm 181 Mhz CPU @ 1085 Mhz
  4. ok Btw somebody know how to read memory clock on the CUSL2-C with CPUZ I have my memory working at 180 Mhz atm but cpuz don't read the frequency EDIT: ha I reached to read it, hum I have to use 1:1 in da bios
  5. So how can you test if you can run 3D or not
  6. no this one is ok, you are allwoed to beat be 5.1 is not poor btw I have 4 Pentium 4 530, I have to test them, maybe I will find a better one(than the one I benched)
  7. huhu, That's why I am loosing points, it's your fault Yeah 4.6 Ghz is poor for Cascade, I did bench PCMark 05 without crash @ 4.2 Ghz on air(without using the subzero air outside ). Hope you will have a better run that I am not loosing point cause of a bad run
  8. LOL, I just put a PIII, and I can access to the tab in nvidia control panel where there is the 3D logo animation without a blue screen. Now I put the VIA C3 again, and I have a blue screen after opening nvidia control panel. => VIA C3 is not 3D capable
  9. SuperPi 32M is still benching, I will test other cpu on the board just after it finish. Damn VIA cpus are really slow with superpi
  10. I will do some test tomorrow. I have : C3 733A All Pentium III All Celeron CUSL2-C P3V4X (and 6 other s370 motherboards that are useless or not as good for overclocking) I will test tomorrow, my parents are thinking I am sleeping atm
  11. I haven't got the CUSL2, I only have the CUSL2-C (not compatible with Celeron that suxxx) I tryed the VIA C3 on it, and it won't boot, that's why I am using a board with a VIA chipset. You reached to work it with the CUSL2 ?
  12. Hi all, I am unfortunately not as old to know that. I am benching on Socket 370 atm(also other socket at the same time ). And using a VIA C3 733A, ASUS CUV4X. I cannot run any 3D stuff. I tried : GF 6200 AGP DDR2 GeForce 3 Radeon HD 3450 AGP GeForce 7900GS Radeon 9600 XT and Pro Radeon 9200 Launch PCMark 04 3D test : Blue Screen Open nVidia control panel(the one with the 3D settings) : Blue Screen after install drivers and reboot : Blue Screen saying atidll or nvidiadll drivers. I don't know if it's the chipset or the CPU or Motherbord + this CPU. Tomorrow will try with a Celeron and a Pentium III. Maybe someone know that, I tried to brows the web but I found nothing. thx
  13. Thx, btw I don't mind if he stay here or not, in both case I am still ranked 1st. It's for him, others and to keep the bot clean
  14. I checked with jumpers, on the CUV4X (Via chipset) I cannot change the multiplier on the bios and with jumpers
  15. From CPU World : ''Clock multiplier is locked'' http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/C3/VIA-C3-733AMHz%20-%20Cyrix%20III-733AMHz.html
  16. ha ok, hum mine is blocked into the bios(jumperfree mode), maybe with jumpers(directly on the board). I will check tomorrow with the board and my 733A, now it is running SuperPi 32M So we can set an higher multi ? You reached to do it ?
  17. Go there and edit/delete the submission http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2126996_elninokamello_reference_clock_p5qd_turbo_3750_mhz?tab=more
  18. I haven't checked all submissions, I just checked the chip I have. Can you add Via C3 800A Mhz (Samuel2, 133Mhz, L2 Cache) http://hwbot.org/community/submission/954476_wooow_cpu_z_via_c3_733_796.19_mhz After that I will ask to move the submission. Rename : http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/via_c3_733 into Via C3 733A Mhz (A means Samuel2 core, without the A it's the Samuel core) Thx
  19. Just tested around 80 chips today Slot 1 and Socket 370. I am exhausted
  20. Oups and thx for your work will edit EDIT: no need you did it right to me it looks better isn't it ?
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