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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Can't wait for the SS, I will have twice your freq 11 Pentium 1 75 Mhz 8 really shitty chips(boot only at 50x1.5 -.- 2 ES that aren't so bad : 83x1.5 and one FTW chip : 100x1.5(95x1.5 boot windows). I wish under SS I will take it to the MAXXXXXX
  2. Why are you obligated to prove that Massman is not Chuck Norris EDIT:
  3. Real memory -1 Available memory -1 Massman is Chuck Norris
  4. Yeah, but remember here they are in the same family, that means it can be some confusion regarding other non-team members to this team(as there are benching same hardware, maybe having close results(Even if now we know that there are two different rig/hardware), and not far away as they are daughter and father) I thought the issue was closed
  5. The fact is they were using same kind of hardware(for exemple: 2 different i7 920, but still a 920(maybe same Stepping too I don't know)) and were in the same team, that's all nc
  6. AFAIK you dont need to rebench it, but if you have a screenshot backup, feel free to upload it again
  7. On my screen it has been edited and now it's in the 3x GPU Ho you have still the silver cup, just a sec.... EDIT: Now it's ok, you have your gold cup back
  8. WoW, some of these CPU are amazing, Pentium 1 120Mhz : Boot @ 233Mhz on air ambient 18°C Pentium 1 75Mhz : Boot @ 143Mhz on air ambient 18°C but there is a lot of shitty cpu too
  9. A long time ago, in the overclocking galaxy far, far way...
  10. Once upon a time, HWBot and nothing else... They lived happily ever after and had many partnerships
  11. I have the MA790FXT-UD5P if you want and btw a Sempron that is stable @ 58 Mhz , even 57
  12. You can edit/delete by yourself here : http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2120880_joonaseh_wprime_32m_4x_core_i5_2500k_8sec_296ms?tab=more
  13. OMG just after set the background with massman pic, I did 57 Mhz on the CPU. And I have the validation file. thx massman
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